What is the best surprise you have ever received?

United States
January 10, 2009 4:52pm CST
I'm not particularly easy to surprise, but not that long ago I got thrown a doozy! When the Air Force stationed my husband in Florida and we walked into the BX for the first time, I noticed a display case full of Swarovski crystal. My great grandmother collected Swarovski figurines for as long as I could remember, so I stopped to admire them. Then I saw The Unicorn. I love unicorns. Always have. I have no idea why. But as soon as I laid eyes on this lovely lady, I knew I had to have her. This was 5 years ago. The lovely lady in question cost $367. So I put her in the back of my mind, promising myself that SOMEDAY she'd be mine. Time passed, as time does, and the price dropped to $285. Still too much for us, on my husband's airman salary with a new baby at home. But I kept wishing. Not so long ago, the price jumped down to $185 - I could practically feel her in my hands now. I knew it wouldn't be long. In September, the price dropped to a mere $123 - a THIRD of its original worth. Inwardly I jumped up and down in glee; she was mine for the taking. However, I never make a huge purchase without consulting my husband. I called him. I explained the situation. My husband, who has never understood my obsession with this lovely lady, was unimpressed, and said we could talk about it after work. I pouted, but didn't object. At home, he and I went back and forth for a while debating it, when finally I said that, consequences be darned, I was buying her the next morning. The price was too good to pass up. My husband made no comment. However, when I went in, she was GONE. No more in stock. The last one had been purchased the day before. I cried. I was angry at my husband, and told him so. I didn't give him too hard a time, but I really was upset. He took it like a champ. Cut to me opening my last present on Christmas morning. I unwrap a shoe box. I open the shoe box to find a blue box labeled "Swarovski". And I started crying. Inside, sure enough, was MY crystal unicorn. Because my husband was the one who bought her out from under me. Best surprise EVER. How about you?
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