what's the best thing that love did to you?

nice - was taken at night
@laedyan (189)
January 12, 2009 9:43am CST
I know that most of us experienced the so called love. And there's so many things that love can make us do. What's your experience?
3 responses
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
13 Jan 09
You can love the person without being in a relationship, that's what I realized recently, so what the best thing love did to me is that I become more an understanding and flexible person, I become less possessive and freely love the person without expecting something in return. I also realized that in order for you to become acceptable to others you must accept first yourself and embraced your flaw so that others can see you in different perspective. I become more sensitive to the needs of others and become more mature emotionally.
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@laedyan (189)
• Philippines
18 Jan 09
Thank you jlamela for answering my question. How i wish i can also content myself to just love the person without anything in return. I didn't have that spirit in me and its really difficult for me to love without any reply at all. I experienced that a lot and until now, i didn't have that contentment. Its good for you to realized that thing about love.
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
The best thing that love did to me is that it taught me on how to become stronger since I got married to my husband who is 16 years older than me. Love taught me to be strong in facing all the challenges that life could bring and that it also taught me to love having a baby. Love is the greatest emotion ever made my God and we are all living on earth because of love. Love makes the world go round!
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• India
7 Apr 09
my love gave me the greatest gift in the world ...my son who is now 2yrs old