Twilight and Pride and Prejudice.... my obsession

January 12, 2009 11:10pm CST
Am i the only one or is there someone else out there that obsess about these 2 films? I mean, Pride and Prejudice i am sooo totally obsessed about. I have read the book so many times. actually, bought 5 copies in the last 10 years because the pages have worn out from reading... the film, (BBC mini series) i keep watching over and over again.. 6 hours!!!! and i never get bored. as if seeing it again for the first time. something new every time. thanks to my good friend sketch who sent me the dvd!!! and twilight also, havent read the book yet though, but planning to buy it soon. Anyway, what films do you watch over and over again? and why do you think that is? maybe its true what they say about subliminal messages in the films, where they target your subconscious and you get addicted to it? Well, let me know what movies you are addicted to pls...
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