My hubcaps keep falling off my car!

@stinge (810)
United States
January 13, 2009 11:22pm CST
I have a mitsibishi Galant. It's one of the cars that have th snap on hub caps. I've had the car for several years and every single hubcap has fallen off from every wheel. I usually just go to the dealer and pay for a new one. But yesterday I noticed that the rear hubcap had came off after I got hoe from work. I'm staring to think I have the worst luck with my hubcaps. And with all the bills I've had to pay off I'm in no hurry to get spend $40 for a new one. Many of my teamates from my softball team tell me to just steal one off someone's car. I'm not that kind of person, but with money being tight these days I've given it some thought. I usually don't like having one hubcap missing from my car. I feel that it takes away from the appearance when somehting is missing. But now I'm thinking about just ripping them all off. I just don't care anymore. What about you? Does anyone here go through this also? Are you quick to replace your hubcap when it falls off, or if someone steals it. Or is it not that important. I figure as long as my car is running that's all that matters right now.
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