How do you control your temper?

@ShanLhey (164)
January 14, 2009 12:42am CST
As a customer related business and an employee you do not know how to control your temper? What are the signs that your temper exceeded? How do you deal with people around you? Let us know.
5 responses
• United States
14 Jan 09
Being able to master our temper is not easy since it takes a lot of courage and patience. I have dealt with a lot of people everyday since I am teaching. We should not show on our facial expression when people have pushed pur buttons. We have to play nice to them even help them keep the calm even if our temper is about to tip off. Taking a deep breath, smile and telling yourself everything will be alright is a good way of being able to control temper. Understanding people, situations and being able to initiate on the right thing to do is also one a way of coping up our own temper. We become better and better as a person if we are able to control our temper.
@ShanLhey (164)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Right. The best thing to do id to understand people. :)
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
14 Jan 09
I work with students and i do have to control my temper when they decide to test my patience. AS a profesional I have to be in control of each and every situation. Whenever I feel that what they are doing it is too much I just open the door walk out of the room the breathe fresh air. It is a signal that that is too much and to control themself. (c) ronaldinu 2009 - the more people I meet-the more I love my dog
@ShanLhey (164)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Yes, I agree with that but not all the time we just have to shut up. We must learn to teach students to understand that not all the time we have to give way. They must learn that there's a limit in every single way. Being a teacher or a preacher or professional, tell them in a nice way that it's not good for them. Elaborate with them that it's not the right thing to do because someday they will understand what values we are trying to give them. :)
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
mabuhay ka ShanLhey.... ^_^ lol.... Take a break and have KitKat.... ^_^ Oh a typical miserably filipino employee attitude, impatience.... Its time to think and ask to self is this job right for me, before it goes out of control.... You are going to loose temper when the situations is almost so confusing and you can no longer decide what is right.... Patience is a skill you have to practice and it can be your great asset or talent.... First thing to have patience is to make always the situations in control and one at a time only coz your not a computer your a human being.... Try to evaluate yourself first so you can have some possible right decisions.... Know your limitations and don't always overload to work, learn on how to not accepting everything you want to do.....
@ShanLhey (164)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
That makes sense. :) First thing I would suggest, respect yourself first. You must learn to respect yourself, it's just one way of controllong your temper. :)
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I deal with customers every single day, my work is a food service. well, there are many type of people around, but I just ignore them if they being stupid... pretend that you dont hear them... say OK, Yes for short to make them feel enough and make them feel that they are a winner. Sometimes, I can't hold it and have a little talk with them back, but actually it hurts the business tho. Sometimes, they feel bad from some where and they dont know how and where to express their feel, so they just throw everything at you. I always control my temper, by ignore most of the thing they say and calm myself down or let them win and make them leave as soon as possible and then I will smile for my next customers. by doing this is help yourself take all people stress and actually it is not your fault tho, you need to get away from these feeling... dont think too much about them and never let them over your kindness feel. Let it goes and you will be fine.
@ShanLhey (164)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Yeah! Right. You just have to show them your patience. A lot of people would know how to handle such impatience with regards to people around us. We just have to understand them.
@jakes9 (215)
• India
14 Jan 09
Controlling my temper was the most difficult thing in my life till a few years back. And it still is, but not with that intensity. I can't talk about anger in professional relationships, beacuse i haven't been in one yet, but yes in personal situations, I have tried a lot to control my anger, and succeeded to a limit too... I did nothing much, but just when i got angry on something, I stopped thinking about that thing, and it really worked a few times. But in cases where the intensity was more, i either decided to shut up, and vent out the anger in a closed room, or if i couldn't control it, i shouted at that person. But now even shouting has become less, beacuse i keep on explaining to myself that its not good for me. When i get angry, i get a severe headache, but still i try and not show my anger to others. At other times I cry too, crying has also helped, although the tears came out naturally, without force, but they helped! In india, here, I have heard of a pranayama meditation also which helps in keeping anger in control, i have tried that as well, it feels good for that moment, nut later on, its the same again! Maybe this happens beacuse i don't do that on regular basis! whatever it maybe, handling anger has become atleast 10% easy in the past years for me!
@ShanLhey (164)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Good thing you have learned to control your anger. That's not really good for us. It would affect all the people around you. A lot of ways to do so we can obtain patience. We just have to be more confident. A saying goes this way. "Whenever your wrong stop, whenever you're right shut up."