Water issue

@blogs86 (370)
January 14, 2009 1:36am CST
will water become the next "oil" and be fought over by countrie wanting a supply of this truly scarce commodity?
3 responses
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
It could be because more than ten years ago, we do not buy distilled water since water from our faucet are quite safe. Now, almost everywhere there's a distilling station. Aside from paying the monthly water bill, one has to buy distilled water which is like an add on to ones expenses. Sooner or later, it will indeed become scarce given that there is a growing concern on how irriversible global warming is.
@blogs86 (370)
• Philippines
25 Jan 09
that's true global warming is really a growing concern to be focus with..thanks for respondin' (",)
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
14 Jan 09
Hello! Time is not far.The next generation would feel the scarcity of drinking water.And some countries would mopolise supply of drinking water to all countries like the monopoly of oil supplied by the Arab countries to cater to the needs of the world.So right from now we should think of this precious material and save water as much we can.thanx.
@blogs86 (370)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
well thanks for your inspiring ideas :-)
@sonusd (1547)
• India
14 Jan 09
i am totally agree with you because after some day we will be not getting drinking water sufficiently and like today for oil some powerfull countries are fighting among them so this thing will continue for water
@blogs86 (370)
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
maybe someday water will replace oil or gasoline..well thanks for responding this discussion :)