Do you have a second personality?

@fastyr (122)
January 16, 2009 8:54pm CST
sometimes i just think of it when im too alone... but, i think i have one... but how can i know? heheh i dont know!!! how about you? can tell me? =
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8 responses
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
Yeah..I think so!! Coz sometimes I feel that I'm not the real me!! When I feel that I'm not happy, I pretend to be a happy one..
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
your crazy too!!!! hehehe =
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
yeah we the same, sometimes I pretend I have a friend, but as a matter of fact im just pretending...hehehe
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
hehehehehe so you do have a second personality? maybe your crazy? hehhehehehe =
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
17 Jan 09
I believe I have. The nature of my work requires me to be sociable, communicative and aggressive - all that my basic personality is not. So at work, I assume that driving style; once I'm home, it's my true self, doing the things I enjoy - reading, watching TV, going online - all rather lonely interests!
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
yup!!! it does!!! hehheehhehe as i've said it depends on the situaton!!!! happy mylotting!!!
@manoj1502 (854)
• India
17 Jan 09
everyone has split personality but some can know about that some does not know that
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
hehehehehe i agree!!!! you just cant tell right?!! happy mylotting!!!
@phyrethyme (1267)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
I believe I do because I notice myself going through two behaviors that are pretty extremes. For example, one day I'm a party person then next I prefer solitude and want to be alone. Sounds kind of bipolar, right? There are actually people with multiple personalities, this one's under psychology. In one case I read, this girl had sixteen different personalities. Two of which are males! It was as if she was getting possessed by different people and she doesn't even remember what happened when a personality of hers takes over. Her name is Shirley Ardell Mason, you can look her up.
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
wow!!!! 16 personalities ei... thats good hehehheheh yup... you know me too!!! i just cant figure out why!! hehehehhe well... it does depend on the person of what kind of personality he/she wants!!!
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@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Yes, I have a second personality and I am quite aware of that. When I am in the office or with my friends, I am bubbly, spirited and talkative and laughed on top of my lungs. But when I am with my family and other relatives, I am super silent, doesn't seem to talk, no sense of humor and I am easily irritated. You can detect if you have a second personality because your interaction with different people varies, you are not consistent with your attitude and your moods easily sway up.
@fastyr (122)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
its a ind of something that makes us one... but our second personality is still a part of us!!! hehhe happy mylotting!!
@manoj1502 (854)
• India
17 Jan 09
I cant just differentiate between two
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Yes i do have a second personality. The other one is telling me now to get off my computer and call it a day. I guess i should listen to her. lol bye!