Stargate Atlantis

United States
January 18, 2009 2:29pm CST
Hey guys, I am really sad that Stargate Atlantis ended. I wish it would come back and get rid of Stargate Universe, it sounds kinda like BSG, which I really dont want to see Stargate turn into. There was still a lot of different things Atlantis could have done with the show. What is Stargate Universe supposed to be about? What are the two Stargate Atlantis movies supposed to be about? Thanks
1 response
• United States
18 Jan 09
For me I love stargate and have ever since the movie. I would be happy as long as its still on in any form. I still miss the original series but I have moved on to Atlantis and will now move to Universe. For me as long as I get to see a few of the old cast on rare occasions I am happy. Seems like all of tv is up for a stir up.