
United States
January 20, 2009 10:05am CST
today is a proud day for me :) my daughter has started crawling! before the past few days she basically rolled and scrunched anywhere she wanted to be. She officially has down the mechanics of crawling! How long did it take your kids to start crawling? We thought she was starting kind of late. What kind of different ways did they find to get around before they started?
3 responses
@enlincia (18)
• United States
20 Jan 09
My first is 6 months and is frustrated on the verge of crawling. Its so funny to watch her because she hasn't quite figured it out yet. She gets up on hands and knees then does one of two things: 1) moves her hands which somehow pushes her backwards and away from the toy she wants or 2) moves her feet and at most moves sideways. I'm excited at how mobile she is getting, but at the same time horrified at the thought of how much trouble she will be getting in soon... We definitely don't have a 100% baby proof home yet!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
20 Jan 09
What a fun milestone for your child to achieve. she is mobile! I can't remember when my kids started crawling. I do remember that I was so excited until they started to get into everything. That is when I really had to babyproof. Have fun with her!
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
20 Jan 09
That is so great! Congratulations. It is such a wonderful thing to watch your children develop and learn to do new things. One thing that is important to remember is that all children develop at a different pace. Honestly, I don't remember how old my girls were when they started crawling. Not that you need any additional advice, but they do grow up very fast. Be sure to enjoy each stage of their development and don't try to rush them.