Is it snowing where you are? It is here...

United States
January 20, 2009 1:46pm CST
It's been snowing for the past 3 days. It's really cold too. Now I know the snow is worse and the cold even more so in other areas. It's been zero degrees fareinheit on a couple of days not counting the wind chill. I have no idea what it's been with that. So tell me about the weather in your part of the world. Is it snowing or warm? Can you go swimming in your area?
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10 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Jan 09
Hi ya moondancer It very rarly snows in the UK but when it does we get all excited so that we can make snowmen and snowangels in the snow with our kids and it's so much fun but I guess that when you get it all the time and lots of it and it is cold it is not so much fun. Yesterday I actually hung some washing out on the line outside and it dried but today it is not so warm and it is raining!
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• United States
26 Jan 09
I loved the fresh air smell when drying my clothes outside. It was nice. Now I wouldn't be able to do it so I add fabric sheets to the dryer and the detergent I use makes them smell really good. Somehow it's just not the same though as hanging them out to dry. Here they would freeze latly. There has just been 2 days that was nice enough to be out but still too cold for hanging clothes out. It's been snowing and cold when the snow is not here the rain is. We did have that one day without either but the sun peeked through the clouds a bit, lol Today we are getting rain and it's barely above freezing today. The rain will come tonight and more snow again for a couple of days. It's just been like this for a bit. No nice days to get out and about. The spring and fall are the best times outside. The children and young at heart adults love the snow and get out in it to throw snowballs and make snowmen. I stay close to the house snaping pictures when I can, lol. I'm not good in the cold. Thank you for sharing.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Jan 09
We had a drizzle during this week. It never stopped raining. it is cold and humid. But it has not snowed. It never snow here (with the exception of a small hailstorm last december). © ronaldinu 2009 – the more people I meet – the more I love my dog.
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• United States
22 Jan 09
We've had some of those weird hail storms here too. One of the bad ones that caught me downtown really tore up the leather top and beat the heck out of the hood on my cadillac, lol freakish storms, go Nice weather I'd love anytime.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Jan 09
I've been hearing how unusually cold it's been in the southern area of the US...What weird weather! The past few years it's been relatively mild winters, snow hardly existent here in NY..that really changed drastically this year. Our temps have plunged down to about 16-degrees during the day and single digits at night, and yes, we've had quite a bit of snow as well
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• United States
21 Jan 09
Hello pye, how are you? I believe you are right. The weather has been really weird for this past year. I wonder just how long this will go on. Somehow I think it's just gotten started.
@ellie333 (21016)
20 Jan 09
Hi Moondancer It snowed here for a little while yesterday afternoon but it didn't settle as it had been raining during the day and today started off very frosty and icey but the sun was shining and it was quite mild this afternoon. I definitely wouldn't go swimming in the sea today though, it is cold enough in the summer months here in the UK. Huggles. Ellie :D
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• United States
20 Jan 09
I do understand ellie. I don't blame you for not swimming. No sense freezing and not enjoying the swim.
• United States
21 Jan 09
It is not snowing here where I live.It is cold and windy though.It was a sunny day today but it has been below freezing all day..It is supposed to start warming up tomorrow for a few days.I will be glad of that..Stay warm. Have a good night.
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• United States
21 Jan 09
Thanks mc, I wish it was warmer here. As you know our bills go up drastically when our heaters have to work overtime as I haven't started my fireplace up this week. It's just too cold to go to by the sheds where the wood is, lol. I should have had some moved up near the back door. It has warmed up a little today. maybe I can get someone to do this for me today or tomorrow. That would be nice. I hope you continue to have warmer days and sunshine.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
22 Jan 09
We had snow storm last month.We were not able to work because the snow was so think and we can't drive.Now, the weather is fine.Spring is almost on the air...
• United States
22 Jan 09
Wow that is nice msedge. I love the spring weather...not too hot and not too cold, aaaah just right. I'm sorry that you had the snow storm and couldn't get anywhere I know that was a drag as we've had those to. One iced us in for 2 weeks. lol without power, luckily I have the fireplace, used it for heat and cooking.
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Are you kidding? I don't even remember what snow looks like and I'm glad to keep it that way. Tomorrow there is a high of 80 and a low of 54. If that is any indication of what this summer might look like, I may never venture outside. LOL.
• United States
5 Feb 09
LOL, I'm with you there I like my air conditioning and I won't give it up I tell ya. Well unless the power ges out. lol
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
20 Jan 09
it was sorta snowing a little while ago it didnt even stick to the ground lol , but i guess it was fun to watch it fall down while it lasted we dont get much in South Carolina lol
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• United States
20 Jan 09
Yes, I know. My husband worked out of SC for a few years. They mostly sent him overseas for wrk for 8 years out of the over 12 years he was with the company there. I went there many times and I love it there. It's that way here, we don't usually get much but every few years. In Tennessee.
@ammie07 (322)
• India
20 Jan 09
yeah we can go swimming out here as it never snows out in my area,as i live in India the climate here is hot not cold.its sad we don't have snow here i would loved if it snowed in my place......i would have made snowman and played a lot with snow.... have a good day
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• United States
20 Jan 09
aaah ammie if I could send you some I would. It would be nice for you if you could have some even if one year so you could do what you wish. Although you'd not be happy with the cold for very long I don't think, since you aren't use to the cold.
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@mkmoney (468)
20 Jan 09
no not really not in this week but it did like 2-3weeks ago it was snowing like mad i live in england,birmingham so i can go swimming this week (including today) have been recently queit warm good to see the sun coming up again lol
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• United States
20 Jan 09
lol, I know what you mean. I'd like for the snow and the cold to let up here as the heating bills go up drastically when we have snow. Even though some of us have fireplaces and use them, they still charge us a fortune in electric bills.