PTC Sites- are they for real?

January 20, 2009 10:15pm CST
Well, I have joined some but Im not really sure if I should continue. I see a lot of posts,from blogs to forums, of people who have actually earned.Well,they say they earn,but they claim they have already earned like $10 dollars,but if you look at it,you click ads and earn $0.01 and the fact that you only get to click 4 ads a day..geez thats a long road to travel. So is it true or not? How many of you have already joined?
1 response
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
22 Jan 09
Its a long way to reach the payout but with some referrals under you it will be a bit easy to reach specially with sites with low payouts. Make sure you submit your blog to search engines to gain more exposure. Take a look at my blog to see payment proofs and new sites.