I"m glad this woman can work from home but...

United States
January 23, 2009 1:41pm CST
Before I start,please forgive me for ranting, but maybe if I put it in writing I won't start screaming. My neighbor is driving me crazy. She lives in the building next to mine and babysits a bunch of kids during the week. I have no problem with that. The problem is that our buildings are really close and I can hear all the kids all day long. The patio area is really small, so the lady lets the kids play on the patio sometimes at her the front door. She also has a very energetic dog which she lets run loose outside or puts on the patio. Not only do I have to listen to screeching kids all day, but when the dog is left on the patio I have to listen to it yelp and bark constantly. This morning I went to the mailbox and had to sidestep kids and toys to try to get to my parking lot. The buildings are not even 10 feet apart. I am hoping to get an online job but I would have to have a quiet place to work and with all this noise, there is no quiet place. One of the neighbors in my building has complained about the dog poop in our yard. She thinks it's my dog but in fact it is this other lady's dog who does her business where ever she wants since she is never leashed. I realize there is little that I can do to keep the noise down since I am the only one who hears it as everyone else works during the day. Right now I can't even take my dog out or go to the mail box without being mugged by kids or a dog. Talking to the lady won't help cause these kids that she keeps are just kids. But I'm annoyed cause I want to work from home in peace and quiet. Thanks for listening.
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5 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
13 Feb 09
Hi jillmalitz, it is okay if ranting could help you to feel better. Of course I understand that we would feel rather comfortable if we could abreact our dissatisfy feeling or mood with friends here. Really, after finishing reading your story above I come to realized that how difficult and unhappy to get so many disgusting noise constantly for a person who needs a quiet and peaceful place for her, so that she could concentrate to do her work on computer. Yeah, it’s quite impossible for you to have a change of scene as the lady next to your house has to depend on the kids to earn her living. And we understand that when kids getting together definitely they will make more noise, laughter and yelling sound. It’s really awesome that your house is so close to hers. I think what you could do to keep away the terrible and unstoppable noise is to have an air con room with all windows and door shut and hope that could get much lower noise made by the kids as well as the barking dog. Happy posting and take care.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Feb 09
You are so right. Thanks for your response.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
4 May 09
Thanks for selecting mine as the best one Hopefully the environment in your place has become much better at the moment. Yeah, no more or at least lesser disturbing noise could be heard all the time. Wishing you could keep on working on your computer peacefully and relaxingly. Have a nice day and happy posting
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I would talk to the management and ask about rules and regulations being put in place. Let the landlord know that you respect her babysitting but that the children are often loud and it is hard for you to concentrate while at home as you make money online. Also tell about the dog poop and how another neighbor feels that it's your dog but that it's the other. I know this is a few months old but if you haven't resolved it by now I hope you can, and I hope my advice helps.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 09
Thanks for your suggestions, I'll see what we can do.
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
24 Jan 09
You might check the building codes and city ordinace, she may be running an illegal daycare.
• United States
26 Jan 09
Good point, but she is licensed. To me the big problem is that there is no play area for them. All the units are about 1400 sq feet with 2 small bed rooms and a small living room. The lady has years of experience in childcare but I would not want to keep 4-6 kids every day in a place this small. I go nuts when my kids and grandkids come to visit cause I feel like it is wall to wall people. LOL. Thanks for your response.
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I wish I had more suggestions
@aamoore (61)
• United States
25 Jan 09
Hi Jill! Sometimes you just have to take things in your own hands. Get yourself a video camera of her dog pooping in your yard and being unleashed and that may help! Remember a picture is worth more than a thousand words. Also, what kind of work at home job would you be interested in? Are you looking for one that is flexible? Are you looking for one that you can just do online and not have to do much talking? Let me know by sending me an email to aamoore4@gmail.com. You have yourself a great day! Ainsworth
• United States
26 Jan 09
Thanks for your response and suggestion. I'll check in with you soon. I'm just not a salesperson and would not like to do cold calls, I'm more into "doing". Thanks again!
• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi again Jill! I am also into doing and not cold calling! Call me anytime at 816-399-0131. You have a great day!
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
23 Jan 09
I understand your frustration. I used to live in a very noisy building where the people in the next apartment would yell at each other and slam doors all day. Then the teenager would go out and sit in his car with the music blaring. It was not fun. Unfortunately, none of it, and none of what your neighbor does (aside from letting the dog roam unleashed, perhaps) is illegal. She's not doing anything wrong- it just happens to be a problem for you because you want to work from home. Is there any possibility you can move? Perhaps you can find a quieter place, maybe with fewer apartments so that there is less chance of having the same problem again. I know that's a pain, but I can't think of what else you can do. As you said, you could try talking to her about it, but what can she do- tell the kids to be quiet? I don't think that would work very well.
• United States
26 Jan 09
You are so right. Nothing she or any of our dogs do is illegal. And there are three buildings of four townhouse in each and all the buildings are owned by different people. Moving at this point is not an option. I have thought of letting my dog out on our patio to bark at them LOL! I guess when you don't have much money this is what you have to deal with daily. Thanks for your concern.