Why do you love your partner/spouse?

@sanuanu (11235)
January 23, 2009 7:12pm CST
Why do you love your gf/bf wife/husband? I really wonder how two person live with each other for their whole life. I have seen couples in my life. They always fight with each other. My parents used to fight when I was a child. all my uncles and aunties use to fight. So, do you love your spouse or just living because you have to live!
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6 responses
• United States
25 Jan 09
Perhaps it was before you came to myLot that some of my friends here teased me a lot for the relationship my husband and I share. We're still as ga-ga over each other as we were as kids, and nobody would consider us kids at this age! We haven't actually had arguments, because we discuss all sorts of tings until we arrive at a comfortable point with them. Maybe it's because we've been best of friends since before we were old enough even for crushes, let alone loving one another. Whatever makes it happen, we're in the happiest relationship possible!
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• United States
28 Jan 09
Frankly, we were both really surprised when our relationship became more than just friendly, but it's the closest to perfect I've ever encountered. We're blessed in that way!
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Jan 09
I have this believe in me that we are not lucky but we make ourselves lucky by choosing correct path at correct time. You did choose your husband in your childhood and now you find yourself lucky. We all get chances but the one who chooses the correct one, remains happy in rest of their life.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Jan 09
You both have been friends together even before the teen age! Wow, what a relationship you have with you husband. That is some thing extra ordinary for me!
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• Philippines
24 Jan 09
i do love my boyfriend very much, when two person are fighting its not bad but they just settle there differences in life and opinion. for me quarrel or fighting is healthy thing coz it will make both of you mature and know each other more and if you knew each other you will love each other more coz what you dont have in your behavior you can find it to your love one and what behavior he doesn't have its in you. so you cannot be the same and each one of us are unique.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Jan 09
Are you trying to say that opposite pole attracts and same pole doesn't not! Because this is the same thing one of my online friend used to tell me often and she says that she is in love with me. A Friendly love!
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• Philippines
5 Feb 09
hi! i think opposite pole and same pole can attract each other but its just how they handle and how they show it to the people they love or they care.there is same pole that can understand each other sentiment and they are longing for love but sometimes they just found-out that late when there "friends or new friend" hang-up to other person.sometimes the love that we are looking for is very near to us but we did not recognize it. we just recognise and felt it when they are already with other person.sometines we should look at it positively and take a look around the corner of you maybe he/she is just there but you just dont recognise it.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
6 Feb 09
I always look around and I feel that people I love are always with me and try to be with me for a long time. It is me who always get into fight with them and loose them for ever
@lovesummer (1162)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 09
I think love is a magic i realized it when i have fallen in love with someone i cannot find a reason to it why do i love the somebody. I think they couples who fight has lack of communication? maybe that is their way of settling things in between them but it is not my way. I prefer to talk calmly cool and when we were not emotionally instable. I would never want to fight with anyone not of course my partner. not worth it at all. sometimes one might lose their mind when they fight and said something bad that is very hurtful and cannot take it back.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Jan 09
Being cool even if you have arguments against someone, is an art and I don't think I have that art inside me. My friends say that I am very short temper guy and have no patience at all. That is the only reason why I am afraid of my life because I think I can't co-op with my partner!
• United States
24 Jan 09
I love my husband for a million reasons or more. sure we argue from time to time but what relationship dont? friends quarel,siblings quaral. I love my husband because he is my best friend and i know i can always go to him when i need him. I love him because he has an amazing personality that very few people get to know. He has things about him i dont like to much but we are all different. I love him because he is a great father to our son. he plays and reads to him if i want a break i get it. mostly i dont have to ask he usually takes our son anyhow. he is not all grown still has some little boy in him and that makes him fun to be around. being serious all the time is boring to me anyhow. i love him because he loves me. i love him because he makes me feel like i am special and needed. There are so many reasons. I hope you find your someone special that will treat you wonderful.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Jan 09
I have asked this question because there is a new show in our country "Aap ki Kachahari"(Your court). In this show real people come and share their problem with the Judge of the show. Most of the time they are husband and wife. They always have fight with each other on small small things. In those scenario, I think your response does give me hope that people are there who respect their spouse.
• United States
28 Jan 09
thank you! i do respect my husband and we have a great respect for each other. some couples do fight over silly stuff. my husband and i do argue but mostly over what we are gonna eat for supper! like ill ask him what he wants to eat and he will say i dont care what ever you want! its too funny. you will find that! just dont ever settle okay!!!!
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
29 Jan 09
Okay! I can see these fights with my mom and dad too! They fight with each other on every single thing but sometime they give a feeling that they love each other so much that these fights won't do any bad to them!
@vikeyshuy (284)
• China
24 Jan 09
i love my husband,because he is a man with strong responsibility,humor,and can take care of me.we are couples but also friends,talking about everything.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
24 Jan 09
I am glad that there still are couples who love each other a lot. Thank you very much for your precious time to my discussion.
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
I dont know at all why do I love my bf. Isnt it because he makes me feel that I am special? Maybe that is a factor. I love the way he cares and gives me for me. He inspire me everday.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Jan 09
Good for you. Most of the time we don't know why we love someone but the thing matters it that you should have trust on your lover.