Do You Have A Snake?

@SueD823 (371)
United States
January 25, 2009 11:07am CST
Do you own a pet snake? A lot of people are afraid of snakes, and I respect that. I am not afraid of them. I respect them, especially poisonous ones! When I was a teenager I had a boa, it's name was "Speed Bump", it died. No, it didn't get run over! Now I have a Banana California King Snake. It's a small snake, yellowish in color. It's name is, thanks to my then 9 year old daughter, "Banana Fruit Smoothie (our last name)", AKA "Nannners". So what do you have?
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10 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Jan 09
Hi sueD823 i don't have snakes. I am not afraid of snakes however I am not very fond of them either. Besides a sheltie (which is coming over on Friday) I have a budgie (c) ronaldinu 2009
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Jan 09
budgie - here is a budgie
here is a budgie
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@SueD823 (371)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Oh how sweet! A parakeet! Is he friendly? She? We have an African Gray named Boomer. He talks like a sailor! I wonder where he gets it? ;)
@SueD823 (371)
• United States
27 Jan 09
So you are sort of "on the fence" when it comes to snakes. You like them, but not necessarily for a pet? What the heck is a budgie? Your budget?
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
25 Jan 09
When I make my final move to the country and another state, I want a friendly snake in the house. I know a lot of people look at me in a very odd way when I talk about it but it is something I would like to have. I have owned such a variety of animals that a snake would just be a nice bonus to have. I just hope the cats can get along, but there is always a water bottle for them.LOL Ainge That is so cool you have a snake, how old is Nanners?
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@SueD823 (371)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Nanners is a little over one. It's so hard to know how old they are unless you buy directly from a breeder. We have a great pet store locally, that isn't into getting their animals from these horrible pet farms you hear about, and that is where we bought Nanners. I would worry about not only the cats getting to the snake, if the snake is going to have free roam, but the snake getting to the cats, depending on type, size, etc., of the snake you get. Are you not willing to have your pet snake in a nice aquarium? That is where we have Nanners, but he/she (?) comes out frequently to roam around with me.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Well the ultimate thing would be a nice running glass in the walls for him. I thought about the cats being eaten. That might be a problem because I would like a nice ball python, but I am no where near for having a baby snake yet. They need a bit of attention and my home is far from big enough at this moment for the cats and a snake. I would let the lil one roam around because that is important too and I think it will be fun to have a snake following me when I answer my door on the farm in Wiss. I don't think I will have to many tresspassers. LOL I bet Nanners is a lot of fun. Ainge
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@SueD823 (371)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I LOVE the idea of a running glass! Ball pythons are awesome and get quite large, too, so the cat snake relationship may not happen! Snakes definitely need to be held in order to get used to human contact. Of course knowing when they are hungry, are about to shed or have just eaten, is NOT the time to hold them. I really don't think they need so much attention. Not on a round the clock or even close, basis. But you can always keep your ball python in your pocket until he/she is big enough to wrap around your neck!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Aug 09
I actually have six snakes. 5 ball pythons and one carpet python. like the name you had for your boa :P I got one female named Konigen, one name Alustriel, and another named Vierna. I also have two males, one an albino het male named Konig, and another named Zaknafien. The carpet python is a new addition, so it doesn't have a name yet. It is a Irian Jaya carpet. an no, I am not afraid of poisonous snakes. I have caught both water moccasins and copperheads.
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I have always been terrified of snakes. I think because as a child I had a whole lot of nightmares that had snakes in them. Even now as an adult I still have nightmares every once in awhile. Right now, I don't have any pets, but if I did it would probably be a dog, fish, hamster, or something like that.
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@SueD823 (371)
• United States
26 Jan 09
As I said, I respect that, people either love them or hate them, and being deathly afraid of something is not a fun feeling. FYI: Snakes in a dream aren't negative, always, they represent healing, transformation, knowledge and wisdom. The indicate self renewal and positive changes. So no need to fear those dreams!
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 Jan 09
Wow, its a kind of creepy to have a snake in the house, and it must require a lot of patience to handle one. Hmmm I never had one and maybe shall never but yup I do love them but from a distance of course. I love dogs and had one not so long ago..its a long sad story though...How old and big is Smoothie ?is it poisonous? Cheers, Bodhi
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• India
26 Jan 09
Oh! i am so very sorry to get the name incorrect for Nanners. Accept my apologies. Cheers Bodhi
@SueD823 (371)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Though Smoothie would be a good name, since it is very smooth, her/his name is actually "Nanners"; Banana Fruit Smoothie (insert our last name here) and we call it "Nanners" :) We have so many snakes in South Texas, mostly nonpoisonous, actually I haven't seen a poisonous one since I've lived this far south. We are always catching different varieties and holding them for a moment then releasing them. It's the catch that is fun. I would think it is similar to alligator wrestling, then once you have them, the fight is over and you've "tamed" it for a moment. Nanners is in an aquarium and has never escaped. None of the snakes I've owned have escaped that I had indoors. Even so, if they do, it does not worry me as I know they are harmless. I'm sure that for some the first time you handle a snake is similar to overcoming any type of fear. Once you've done it though, the next time is that much easier.
• China
10 Jun 09
i don't.i ve seen one when iwas a child,i was playing along with a piece of grass.then it appeared ,yellow with black spots on its back,i was too scared 2 yell,but it disappeared quickly,my only face-2face experince with snake(except zoo)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
I have a Python, its still young I found it last year in the sewers( I know its gross but I was curious), I had its teeth removed by my uncle who's a veterenarian so that it would be completely safe for my friends to touch it. I feed it with chicks every once a month, it has now consumed 5 chicks for five months.
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
No, I don't have a snake but I like to have one. I want to experience holding it so that I can encounter my fear. My classmate Mark Flores have he wants me to hold it but I'm afraid to because their is something that I feel I could not understand.But because he wants me to touch it in the tail so I touch it just to experience what it feel.
• Canada
15 Mar 09
I used to not like snakes up until I held one at a pet store. Now I have two awsome corn snakes. Once I own my own property I'm gonna have one room dedicated for my pets. I also want to look into breeding them as well. My favorite corn snake are the blood corn they are so awesome being completely red same with blizzard just instead of being red they're white and if I do get one he/she will be named spermy lol.
• United States
9 Jun 09
I currently have 5 ball pythons, and looking to expand my collection. I just wanted to be a smarty pants and post that there are no "poisonous" snakes. A poison is a toxin ingested or absorbed through the skin, such as with some insects, frogs, or even berries. Snakes are VENOMOUS. Their toxin is introduced to the body through a bite (as with spiders), and would not harm you if the animal is eaten. The confusion of poisonous vs. venomous is my biggest peeve as a snake enthusiast!