Criminals should be tortured !!

@stinge (810)
United States
January 26, 2009 3:38pm CST
A few days ago in NY a few incidents have been reporetd one the news. In one incident, 2 young men robbed a man. One of them held the guy on the ground in a choke hold, while the other one went through his pockets and took his money and other belongings. After they robbed the guy, they kicked and jumped on his head afterward. They have been linked to a few other incidents that have occured. The rob their victims and beat them unconcsiuos afterward. Is it not good enough to just rob someone. You have to beat the life out of them afterward. Luckily the thugs were caught by police recently. In another incident, 2 arabs were standing at a bus stop when a group of men started pushing them and asking for money. The 2 men ran away inside a store but the men followed, and beat them almost to death. One of them were shown in the hospital with a bandage over his left eye. These thugs apparently have took this mans eye out permanently. I don't know if they have been caught by police yet. It pisses me off to hear about incidents like this. What goes through these peoples minds when they beat someone almost to death? I do know this much, I think that when these punks get caught, it should be allowed for the victims to get some pay back. I told my friend if it were me I would be asking for the death penalty. But then again death is too easy. I want a person to be tortured to the point were they are wishing to be killed. It should be a mandatory law that people who commit such vicious acts towards other people for no reason get the piss beat out of them not only by the victim, but by anyone else. Especially someone like me who here's stories like this and gets pissed off. I would love to take a trip down to the precinct and hit one of these b#stards in the face with a frying pan!
2 responses
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
30 Jan 09
No I do not agree that they should be tortured, or else we are no better that these scumbags are. I certainly don't want to sink to their level and it stinks down there in the sewers I am told. However I am all in favour of long prison sentences but not in a prison where they are mollycoddled. No television, no sports centre, no games room and all the other luxries that they get today. Why should these criminals have for free the things that many decent people, who are not in prison, do not even have because they cannot afford them? I couldn't care less what they do, whether it is make number plates or grow their own food, but they have a debt to society so let the pay for it by not costing the taxpayer vast amounts of money. If the can't grow their own food, then they can just go hungry. No, they don't need steak 3 nights a week and dessert every night and certainly not at taxpayers expense. If the want to get fit, let them walk round and round the parade ground which has 3 rows of fence all 20 foot high. They don't need fancy gymnasium equipment that we cannot afford and we are free people. They can cook, clean and whatever else needs doing as long as the prisoners are doing it and not sdomeone who is paid by the taxpayer.
@stinge (810)
• United States
30 Jan 09
It wouldn't be right to sink to their level. America is not about toruring people at all. But I have seen so many innocent people get beaten or killed for no reason. That stiry about the guy who lost his eye was the last draw for me. I can't help but feel that the people who did that to him need to be physicaly harmed. If I were that guy, or related to him I would be lokinf for revenge. I don't even know him and I want to torture those guys myself. I was so disgusted when I heard that story. It is screwed up that tax payers money are spent on giving these thuge a nice place to stay in prison with all the extra curricular activities to occupy their time. American society believes for some of these crimminals that it's a form of rehab. If someone takes out one of my eyes, I don't want that person rehabbing a d@mn thing! Let them rot in a cell for the rest of their lives. It should be nothing but the hardest labor for someone who commits such a vicious act. The only meal these bumbs should ever get is bread and water. No television or any type of entertainment, EVER! I would even debate wether they would be allowed to get visits!
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I totally agree with you! I get so mad hearing and reading about stories like this!