Here Is Your Ladder To Be Successful In Mylot!!!Follow the Steps And Succeed!!!

mylot logo - earn a lot of money in mylot
January 27, 2009 1:56am CST
I cannot say that I am a pioneer of this site. I can still consider myself as a newbie or under probationary period in the site. I am only three months old in the site.With this, i don't expect that I can reach so far as this. Posting 800 posts is not as easy as eating peanut. The tips that I am sharing today are helpful for those who are newbie and for those old members that forget the rules. Hope this will be helpful to everyone. The first step is: Log in Once A Day. This is not to force you to log in always or to log in the site everyday. But with this will be a great help for you to earn a good income in the site. Second Step: Post Quality Discussion. Before you post a specific discussion, make it sure that you search for the topic first.Because if someone has already posted that discussion, your post will just be useless.So it is really important.Make sure also that your discussion is five to ten lines long and for sure you will have a good earnings. Third Step: Post Quality Response. Make sure that your response to the one who post the discussion will be a great help for him/ here. Just like in posting your discussion, it should also compose five to ten lines. Fourth Step: Make Use of Mylot Features. What I am talking here is make use of all mylot features. What are those features?When you discussed, make sure that you add photos in your discussion.You can also make use of mylot code. You can also give best responses. If you can see in this discussion, I make use of their features. Fifth Step: Avoid violating the rules of the site. Avoid spamming. Avoid posting referral links. These five steps that I have given you, for sure you will meet your goals. You can meet the minimum pay out just in one month. I hope this will be a helpful tips to everyone especially to newbies in this site.
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28 responses
@lovesummer (1162)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 09
thank you for the information . I do all you mentioned. I hope I reach my first pay-out soon! it is not hard really. It's just tricky. :)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
you will surely reach payout, lovesummer. it takes some work and some patience though. yet, it will never feel like it is hard work. simply because, it is fun doing mylot. posting those responses i quite addictive. this is how it has become to me each time that i do mylot. i find it difficult to stop posting responses once i have started on it.
• United States
27 Jan 09
I have only been on this website for about a week now and I love it. I love the fact that I get to talk about whatever I want and hear people with same interest views. The money part will be nice im sure as of now i have earned 87 cents. I like the fact that if i need to talk something out this site helps me to express myself. I plan to be on this site everyday except for the days im visting family. I try to take time away from the computer at least twice a month and spend time with my family. Other then that ill be here reading and writting venting and listening to others.
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
thanks for the response to my discussion. yes, it is really true that this site is really good.
• India
27 Jan 09
i am also like you not a old one i have also joined it 2 month earlier but i use it really very less because i found that it pay very less for the discussions than ciao. that i use regulerly i understand that your points are really valid and very good but i dont think so just login daily i will be able to earn money mylot do not pay for the login here. they pay for discussion and the people those are very well engaged in the discussion. i am happy in mylot because here we have open discussions not bouned tpo perticular topic and boundery i can easy discuss here on any topic of my interest that is a positive point. we earn money by just doing hell discussions as well. but hell discussion should be healthy and one must feel like discusing on that topic.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
27 Jan 09
I am also a new member of mylot and have joined it around 20 days back.All the features of mylot which enhance the income are not fully known to me.Thank you for letting me know about some of them.I will always keep in mind the things you have mentioned in your discussion. Also congrats to you on achieving so many points within three months. Happy mylotting.
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• Nepal
27 Jan 09
What to say few days ago I got 5 star and I am happy with that but Today I have 4 star, I am not happy with mylot.
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@anjel016 (329)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
hank you for sharing this information. I have just joined recently so technically, I have lots of questions in regarding this site. May I inquire some questions? That is if you don't mind? 1. If the basis would be the member's contribution, what would be the basis? The content or the quantity? 2. If it would be the quantity, then it would mean that real people must read each posts first before crediting the member's account. Wouldn't it take so much time? 3. If the basis would be the quantity, how much would be required to gain some credits? Example: 100 posts = $1.00 4. How long would it take for your account to be updated? Sorry if I got lots of questions. I hope someone here can help me out. Thanks!
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
it' s better to us than do not want to do. welcome here in mylot. quantity of discussions is not important, its the quality.
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
they can monitor it. so always have a quality discussion.
@anjel016 (329)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
Thank you for the response. May I know how would the myLot administrators will monitor the "QUALITY" of each post? We all know that there are thousands of members here in myLot so it would really take so much time to monitor each post.
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
it is good of you rberon to have come up with this discussion. i am sure that there are some of us here who are fully aware that we are not suppposed to be posting referral links in the discussions that we set forth here in mylot. and yet, they keep on doing so because, they don't have enough concern for those who will suffer with them when the discussion gets deleted. all that matters will be that they get a referral and thus earn from their participation from therein. from now on, i will never again post a response with those discussions that come with referral links. i had responded to quite a number of them lately. it can be counted to be a fault from my part then.
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
I don't respond as well in those discussions since i know it will be deleted.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
I will take note of this. This might come in handy just in case i keep forgetting about things that will make me earn decently. So far i've been getting satisfactory earnings here which means i must be doing great but it would maximize my earnings in i will follow this steps. Sometimes i'm just too tired so sometimes i take a rest but i do post some discussions and respond on few topics to earn at least.
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
thanks for the response to my discussion. i hope this will be helpful to you. have a nice day!!
@pardhu8 (390)
• India
28 Jan 09
Thanks for information buddy.It's really very useful for new buddies like me.I'll to follow all your suggestions and post all quality posts.
• India
27 Jan 09
nice info buddy...hope that helps me in increasing my earnings!!
@yezzyk (180)
• Netherlands
27 Jan 09
Not when you keep your responces to just one line ;-)
@melvill (392)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
Hello rberon1985, know what, I admire in making a discussion. I can say that you are a good writer, you write very well. Every discussions that you make is really have a quality. Hope I could be like that too. Thanks for your tips. Happy mylotting!
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
thanks a lot. just keep on posting and you will be like me.
@melvill (392)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
I will do that. Thanks again!
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
27 Jan 09
Thank a lot for the advices. I am doing my best following the tips, except that I have no way to download the smileys and upload the photos. Must be something wrong with my computer. I did not realize that daily log in is also a must. For some days of the week, I might be away from home, where there is no access to the internet.
• India
27 Jan 09
Wow cornyman, Your advice has really helped me. U seem to b an old bee here. You have just answered my question about "mylot code". What about the "star" thing. Why do I not see any star rating on my response?
• United States
28 Jan 09
Thank you so much for the information. It has helped a lot. i was wondering though.....what is a good number of disscusions we should partake in? Like how many responses on average every day and how many disscussion should we start everyday? I've only been at this a week...and it has proved to be a lot of fun. Thanks again for all your help.
@yezzyk (180)
• Netherlands
27 Jan 09
Hi rberon, Thanks for your tips. I've only been on MyLot for about a week now, so I'm a real newbe! I try to give my personal thoughts on every subject I respond to, although I not always make it to get to 5 lines... Thanks again and happy Mylotting!
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
just keep on what you are doing and you will have a great earnings. have a nice day.
@lisa0351 (303)
• United States
28 Jan 09
That is some really good advice. Im still kind of new to the site, and learning the ropes. This has helped me understand a lot of things, and how more money can be made here! Thank you!
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
28 Jan 09
hello rberon yes, a member can make the minimum payout of the ten dollar amount and if they work the Mylot website, they should be able to make more than that in a month's time. i am a newbie around here at Mylot as well with my new screen name. and that is what that i have been trying to do around here is make the ten dollar minimum payout by this coming Saturday. i do not know if i am going to make it or not, i am right over the five dollar mark here at Mylot for today. so it is post, post, post for me the rest of this week. take care and have a beautiful evening.
@xjgege (110)
• United States
28 Jan 09
WOW rberon! i must say, this is REALLY useful advice. i would definitely consider myself new here, and this is really useful advice. i'm going to log on more often now. i usually get on two or three times a week, but i'll check every day now :) thanks for the advice!
• Philippines
28 Jan 09
wow,.. Thanks for the tips,.. this is helpful,..^^,
27 Jan 09
Thanks so much for taking the time to write such an interesting and informative post. This information is really helpful to newbies and reminds other users of some good tips to participate fully in mylot.
• India
28 Jan 09
Thanks a ton bud. This is quite helpfull to newbies likes us. Gud sharing ;)