Have you been OUT OF THE COUNTRY?

January 29, 2009 5:59am CST
I love traveling, what makes me stop is not having enough money for it and also time. Sucks really. But somehow, I have been to 1 country aside from my country that I have lived all my life. I went to South Korea in 2006, I was with my sister and my mom. Dad was working abroad at that time. There are many places I want to go. But for now, I am hoping to go either Canada or US for my internship. And when that happens, that will be the second country I'll be visiting. So have you left your country for a little while or for a bit?
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16 responses
• Netherlands
30 Jan 09
I am from The netlands and i love traveling. I've been in: Norway,Russia,Germany,France,Belgium,Italy,Denmark and the Netherlands antilles (at Curacao St.Maarten St.Estatius and Aruba really nice there) The food whas loveley at almost all the country's. But i like Italy the most and The netherlands Antilles. Sometimes i travel for my work but sometimes just for fun. I love traveling.
• Netherlands
30 Jan 09
I love traveling. Im from the Netherlands and i've been in: England,Sweden,Germany,France,Belgium,Russia,Italy,Denmark,Norway The Netherlands antilles (Curacao and St.maarten and Aruba really nice there)
@MisterPlus (1915)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
I haven't been out of the country . But, this March I have a ticket to go to Bangkok, Thailand. This is going to be my first travel outside my country. I am so excited to have a flight out of bound. I am planning to buy some plants for my nursery. Have a chance to see the beautiful and wonderful temples of Thailand. I heard that the people in Thailand are warm.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Hi smooch! I have been out of my country once. I went to Japan on a business trip for a week. It was more of a vacation though because really all I had to do was give a thirty minute presentation and the rest of the time I got to tour. I would like to go to Canada too. There's a lot of places I would like to visit too.
@j47lee (740)
• Canada
30 Jan 09
I love travelling.... been to most cities in Canada.. and northern parts of US..... i still want to go to so many European cities..... and see differnt parts of China.... and other places as well... But not for another year or two...i need to finish university first.... and get a job....
@MythiliK (138)
• Switzerland
30 Jan 09
Till I complete my PG, I never got a chance to go to even the next biggest city of my place. Bcoz in our place, gals won't travel alone much. Will be accompanied by father/brother/husband/son. We used to go to near by temples and parks as a whole family once in a while. I were the first gal to do PG in my place (credit goes to my mom and dad, who stopped all those discouraging relatives). Later I got a good job and by my job I visited USA twice. Man, I cannot tell those feelings and experiences. A gal who never even visited big cities, left in USA all alone. My parents used to keep praying all the time :-) I remember, how I ran on the roads, without knowing about the signal system there.... Funny.... Later I just visited someother places like Singapore, Korea during my transit to USA. Now, after marriage, turned into a homemaker, and living in a foreign nation with my hubby and kid.... Whatever it is, I love to be at home, surrounded by my loved ones... Roaming with them to the nearest place... Wow, unbeatable.... Longing to go home back.. The other side of the river looks green than our side :-(
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Nope, I have never been out of the country. Heck, I've barely ever been out of the state! LOL Okay, so there were a few times when I was younger, but that was several years ago. The last time I went to a different state was back when I was 14 years old, so it's been a while.
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
i really envy you guys. i just cant go any place outside the country until i have my birth certificate corrected. i got my middle name registered wrong and it always make me lazy to start working on it at civil registry. waahh!
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
29 Jan 09
In my senior year of high school I got to go to the Bahamas in and International Field Studies trip. I learned later that my brother paid for it, we were very poor at that time and barely making enough to eat. It cost $175 plus a bathing suit to dive in and my dear brother gave my mom the money from his job and swore her to secrecy. Other than that, I've never left the country and probably never will. Travel costs money and I have none to spare.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I don't get to travel as much I'd like to, either, as far as other countries go... I live in U.S. now but I went back to Korea for my brother's wedding when I was in my mid 20's... Went to Canada for one of my vacations, went to Mexico when I was visiting my ex's uncle in Arizona... That's about it...
@ptrikha_2 (45732)
• India
30 Jan 09
Yes; I have been twice to England - once in late December 2005 and then in May 2006 . It was an official trip .
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
i have been to hong kong twice. the first was in 1996 when my mother wanted to go there and she brought me along. she paid for my fare. =) it was my first trip overseas. the second time was in may 2007 to bring my daughter to hong kong disneyland. from hong kong, we went to macau, and then proceeded to shenzhen, china. in march 2002, my husband and i went to singapore for our honeymoon. last october 2008, we went to malaysia. my husband and i love to travel. it's a great way to de-stress and relax and forget our daily routines for a while. it's also a learning experience because of the different culture of the people. we are not rich but we try to set aside a little money every month for travel. that way, even if we don't have much money, we are able to fulfill our dream of being able to travel around the world. we also take advantage of special promos from airlines. an airline in our country always gives a zero-fare promo. the fare is free, we just pay for taxes and the hotel.
• India
29 Jan 09
not yet but i want to rome all the world coze earth is very beatiful beautiful countries beatiful peoples beautiful cultures.
• Mauritius
30 Jan 09
Yeah i have been France and China.
• Dallas, Texas
29 Jan 09
Yea - I have been to Mexico. Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica and Brazil - I have never been over seas tho... I would live to go to Africa - Any country!
• United States
29 Jan 09
I live in the states and I have only been out of the country 1 time. I went to Paris, France for alittle over a week. It was sooo fun and I learned alot while i was there! Its so interesting going to other countries and seeing how people live and their culture I would love to travel to another country but I don't see that happening since money is sooo tight and that was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Happy mylotting!!