I love all different kinds of music- do you like just one kind, or many differen

United States
January 29, 2009 11:02am CST
I love so many types of music, it is hard to really classify what sort of music I like! I love some acts in all categories of music- country, rock, even rap. What about you? Do you like just one genre of music, or some of all of them, like I do? I wonder why that is, that I genuinely love so many different kinds of songs.
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3 responses
@kel1483 (986)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I love all kinds of different music. My favorite genre is rock (and all it's little subgenres like industrial, metal, emo etc), but I also listen to country, hip hop, r&b, pop and even classical. I am the kind of person who just bases what music I like on what I enjoy hearing and not based on what genre it is. I know some people who get so hung up on genres and are like "Well I just like (insert a type of music here)...everything else sucks!" and well, that just isn't how I am. I lke variety.
@kel1483 (986)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hehe, well I obviously don't think you're weird for it =) It's silly when people get so closed minded about something like music.
• United States
29 Jan 09
Yes, exactly! As if it is strange for someone to like all different types of music- I guess that is why I asked the question, people have always thought me strange for liking many kinds of music.
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• Ireland
29 Jan 09
Well the greater magority of what I listen to is Metal however I give room to all other music if something is good ill listen to it. Anyway I wont say its bad because it falls out of my stereotype.
• United States
29 Jan 09
I guess different things appeal to all of us, right? Hey, I used to be a major metalhead back years ago... lol... makes me sound really old I guess, but it is just the truth! I love metal.
• United States
29 Jan 09
I think at any point in life you can say that you liked a certain genre more than the others, but that usually goes away and you open up to different things, so the older you get, the more genres you have to listen to
• United States
29 Jan 09
I like all kinds of music. I don't stick to a specific genre. I listen to anything that I can relate to, is worth listening to, and makes me feel the deeper part of the message that is being expressed in the song. It's great to be a universal listener when it comes to music, because if we shelter ourselves to just one genre, we may just miss something special that could have changed our perception on life. This is a great question though. It really made me think about music in a deeper way. Thanks. Happy MyLotting.