Playing in the snow

@lilybug (21107)
United States
January 29, 2009 4:48pm CST
Do you give your kids a time limit when they go out in the snow to play? My son was out yesterday for almost an hour before he came back in and about an hour the second time. My daughter was upset because I limited her to about 10 minutes. She is only 2 though and I don't think she would realize to come in if she was getting too cold. Do yours get a time limit or do they play till they are too cold to stay out any longer?
6 responses
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
29 Jan 09
My kids haven't really gotten to play outside much at all yet. When we actually have snow to play in it has been too cold to go out and play. Then when it finally is warm enough to play outside there isn't any snow or not enough to play in. The few times they have gotten to go outside I have timed them and made them come in after an hour or so depending on the weather. They aren't old enough yet to realize they are too cold to be out or that things could go wrong if they are out in the cold too long. I think setting a time limit is a good idea.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
29 Jan 09
My son wants to go out now, but it is getting to that kind of slushy state that is really messy.
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I let them stay out until they're too cold, even the toddler. It doesn't take long for the younger ones. The toddler and my daughter are usually the first to come in. My 6 year old son was the first to want to come in the other day, but we made him stay out because we were all having fun. My oldest would never come in if we didn't make him. I can't even let him out until after lunch, otherwise he'd forget to come back in for that. No matter how cold it is, he'll still stay out there all day. But he's also the one who would wet his pants when he was 7 years old instead of coming inside to use the bathroom. He just hates to interrupt his playtime! He still never comes in to use the bathroom, but he hasn't wet his pants in years. I bet you he's just going on a tree or something.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
29 Jan 09
My son was rapt when it started snowing. We were outside three times when it started snowing on Tuesday. My son and hubby have a high tolerance for the cold and they stayed out longer than I did. Since it doesn't snow that often, I let him stay out as long as he and his dad could handle it.
@kezabelle (2974)
30 Jan 09
No I dont limit their time but I do keep an eye on them and will ask them to come in if I think they have been out too long, my eldest doesnt feel the cold and will soon warm up my youngest is almost three and badly feels the cold she will soon let me know when she is too cold but she has a problem with her hands so we bring her in if i see her hands getting sore and she doesnt tell me first normally she comes to me first asking to come in so she can warm up
• United States
1 Feb 09
It depends on how cold it is and how well they get themselves bundled up. I've always given them the opportunity to let me know when they get cold. I've never taken that away from them. But when it is really cold I at least make them come in and warm up every half hour or so. But they can always go back out after warming up. They usually come in before I call them to.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Jan 09
When my kids were younger (they're grown now) and we lived in the north, I used to limit the amount of time I let them play outside in the snow. Kids who are having fun will ignor the fact that they are cold or wet or that their fingers and/or toes are getting numb, so I would make them come inside for cocoa and to change out of any wet clothes. Then they could go back outside if they wanted to.