4 Months on Weight Watchers and Still Going Strong

@Aurone (4755)
United States
January 29, 2009 6:38pm CST
A couple of months ago I started a discussion asking if anyone had tried weight watchers. Well, I joined up the first week of October and I have now lost 10% of my weight and I am very happy about that. I have lost 28 pounds which is over 10% of my starting weight. My sister joined last year (2007) and she has already lost over 70 pounds!! I see a lot of discussions asking what one can do to lost weight. I stand by weight watchers it works and me and my sister are proof. Its changing our lives. So has anyone else tried weight watchers, share you success stories with us.
6 responses
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I started about 6 weeks ago and have a way to go before I lose my 10% but I have lost over 13 pounds. I feel like I am eating a lot...and have not been hungry at all. Now i have got to start exercising to kick the metabolism up a notch.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
31 Mar 09
It took me about 4 weeks to hit 5%. I am figuring it will take longer to get to 10%
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
30 Mar 09
Exercising will help. It took me a long time to reach 10% too. Keep it up and keep us posted.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I have never had much luck losing weight on Weight Watchers (or lots of other plans for that matter). I have always wondered - with each new plan they come out with, it's always new and improved - why not just research and promote a really good plan instead of changing it so often.
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
10 Feb 09
They didn't really change the plan that much. They just sort of phased one of the plans out and incorporated some new ideas into that they had. I think it is good to be able to change the plans or update them as science learns new things about the body. Sorry that you haven't had any success with any program.
• Canada
31 Jan 09
No, sorry, I have never subscribed to weight watchers. I hated "diets" that restricted what or how much I ate. I do love food. So, instead, my Mom gave me a book called "Fit For Life", which was just a different way of combining foods when I ate them. It was "all you can eat", and that really appealed to me. I must admit, though, recently, since the hubby is home for winter, I have been eating all the wrong way and I know I am gaining. SHyte! So, I gotta go back to MY WAY (Fit for Life way, really) to eating to lose the pounds without feeling hungry. Gotta get to the grocery store and buy lotsa fruit. Those are supposed to be your natural sugar snacks. And so healthy, too. Plus lotsa veggies. I never was a big meat eater, but need some in my diet and it allows that, too.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
30 Jan 09
Weight Watchers is expensive, but it works. It is healthy and not one of these scam diets. If I could afford it, I'd go. I'm not sure if they would take me now that I've almost reached my goal weight on my own. I lost weight just by cutting back on the amount of fat I use in cooking and on my pasta and weighing my pasta before cooking, and cutting it back by about 15 grams from how much I really want. From these 2 tiny changes alone I lost about 1/2 pound a month. I would probably loose 2-5 pounds a month on weight watchers, but I can't afford it. Weight Watchers is also one of the few weight loss programs that helps you keep the weight off forever by learning good eating habits and portion control. What I think is good about the program is they don't ban any foods or eating places. You can have birthday cake, just budget it in to your weeks points (calories). I'm wondering do you know the number of points in McDonald's kids menu? For the kids hamburger and kid's frys. I know McDonald's can be part of a Weight Watcher diet. I always get a Happy Meal because a kids meal at a fast food place or most places for that matter is really an appropriate portion for an adult. Portion control of my treat meal. My version of dieting. Can you believe I'm now asked if I want to super size my happy meal? I know that they are supposed to ask, but really. I feel like telling them in a sarcastic manner, "No I don't. I order a kids meal because it's an appropriate portion for an adult" Of course I don't say that. I politely say no thank you. They are only doing their minimum wage job when they ask. They don't give a darn what people order.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Great Job! A couple of different members in my family have done weight watchers and had success while they were going. What am I saying?...keep going! I think the support and education you get through the meetings is an integral part of success with the program. Without the support, it's very easy to fall back into old patterns. So keep it up and keep us posted on how it continues to go.
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I think the meetings are key. I think by going every week and hearing what works and what doesn't you can change your life for the better. I will keep ya'll updated on how I am doing.
• United States
30 Jan 09
I myself don't have a weight problem, but yes, many friends went on weight watchers and were very successful as well, and actually, it sort of recreated the way they eat, they don't track everything on it anymore, but they know how to eat, and sort of add up the points in their head. Glad it worked for you!
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
30 Jan 09