Longest without sleep?

@emma412 (1156)
United States
January 31, 2009 10:08pm CST
What is the longest you have gone without sleep and why? I think the longest I have gone is just over a day. I had to because I had a paper in college I pulled an all-nighter staying up to finish. Then I had practice in the morning, classes and work. I was exhausted and had a hard time getting through my day.
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28 responses
@snowy22315 (179131)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I have stayed awake all night when I was on a night shift in a group home and in the hospital. I think there were many things that helped me to be able to stay awake most principally because it was my job and that was the expectation. I havent stayed awake all night since then. It is too hard.
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I agree. I used to work with the elderly. I was trying to earn some extra money before my daughter was born and took on a few overnight shifts. Those were really tough and I had a hard time staying awake for them.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
7 Jun 09
I can not function if I don't get enough sleep. I am a zombie. And I hate being tired. I like to be well rested even though most days I'm not. But to go a long period without sleep, I can;t do. To me there is nothing worse than trying to work without enough sleep. I clean houses for a living, selfemployed, and if I don't get enough sleep I burn out before the day is done and then I have trouble cleaning. I don't like that feeling. So I think the longest I can go without sleep is probably around 16 hours to 18 hours. And then I need to have at least 8 hours sleep to catch up. I usually only need about 6 hours of sleep but once or twice a week I need that little extra.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
30 May 09
When my daughter was almost 18 months old, she had a seizure. That had never happened before, and hasn't happened since. The doctors spent 5 days trying to figure out what caused it. She was in the hospital the whole time. I really don't know how much sleep I didn't get. But it wasn't much.
@rodveiga (333)
• Portugal
2 Feb 09
Hi I'm used to sleep just 5 or 6 hours a night now. But there was a time, when I was 15 or 16 that I could spend 3 or 4 days without sleeping. I had a sleep disorder and my brain didn't know when it was time to knock out, I have to force me to sleep, lol Then, suddenly, I fell asleep on a Christmas evening and woke up after January 1st. I was in my uncle's home, separated from my mother for the first time in my life. My uncle and aunt were too worried, because they didn't found out what was wrong with me. When they realized they have to send me home, or calling a doctor, it was New Year's evening and I woke up, like there was nothing wrong with me and like I was asleep for just half an hour or so. I was hungry, starving, really. That week I lost 5Kgs and my sleep disorder stopped. Funny how our brain works, hum?
• India
2 Feb 09
I think the longest I have gone for sleep is 34 hours 2 years back. It was my sister's marriage. We started our journey by 6:00am and the marriage is next day 3:00am,I didn't aleep in the night and next day, we reached ther by 11:00pm and its allmost time to get ready after marriage till evening i was awake.
• United Arab Emirates
2 Feb 09
the longest i have stayed awake is about 30 hours. obviously i pulled an all nighter before an important exam. i have pulled many all nighters before my exams and woukd get 3 to 4 hours of sleep a day on average.
• United States
1 Feb 09
51 hours...I got up, went to class, went to work. Got out and had about 2 hours before I would be picked up to go spend time with my grandparents. Stayed up thinking that would be easier then trying to get a bit of shut eye and then getting ready. My roommate and I played cards till I had to get ready. Drove the three hours with my family to see my grandparents. Spent time at my grandparents house, rode back. Had to work. Then I had to go to class. Woke up on Day 1 at about 11 am to get ready for class and went to bed after my class on day three at about 2pm. I worked third shift which is what made it all crazy.
@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
1 Feb 09
it was about 43 hours for me, I can't really say it is an easy thing to stay awake for such a long time and it had affected me badly. I was feeling ultra tired and it was so hard to see the environment I was in just before I was sleeping :) LOL maybe I should have strengthened myself with some cafein.
@zhangfzoe (432)
• China
2 Feb 09
I stayed all night . This was the longest without sleep. Once was for studying and another was for playing. These days I suffered the insomina. I can't fall asleep the whole night.
@marquis (159)
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
The longest time that I do not have sleep is 20 hours every Saturday after my work shift. Well, I am busy person. After my shift on Saturday morning, I go to mall with my wife and with our son. We will play, eat, watch a movie, and visit our stores. Of course, our son is happy every Saturday because that is the only time that we can go to mall with him after a week of stress in work. My wife and I are working on a night shift and so my kid wants to play with us. Sometimes, it happens that I am awake for 24 hours just to get all my job done at work, at home, with my our son, and online.
1 Feb 09
The longest i have gone without sleep woukd be 2 days and the reason is because i had alot of work to do online so i neede to get it finished so i did and then i was off to bed, i think i slept for about 11 hours after it but it was great and the best nights sleep i had in a long time, thanks
• United States
2 Feb 09
The longest I ever stayed up was probaly all night till morning lol. I was playing this new game that I had to finish. I mean it was that great. I think it was a year ago, kinda forgot what the game was. I never stay up late to do homework lol. I only do homework at school, no where better to do it then there. I dont even think anyone does there homework at home.
• United States
1 Feb 09
I have gone many nights without sleep! This is probably due to the fact that I had two children within 2 years of each other. I stay at home with them, so I let my husband get as much sleep as possible and I'll get up with the boys. Just as my first son was thinking about letting me get some sleep, I couldn't because with pregnancy it's kinda hard to get comfortable, and then came another newborn. You just get used to not having any sleep I guess.
1 Feb 09
I have propbably spent a day withoit sleep..trust me..the next night I slept like a baby lol. If i need to finsish work or somethg important I will stay up all night or as long as I need to, But the next day is hellish as I am so tired :)
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
1 Feb 09
36 hours - but then I also slept for about the same. I was young and me and my friend had a bet on who could stay awake the longest, noone ever one coz we both fell asleep at the same time, when we layed down to watch a movie =)
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
It was two and a half days while I was in labor and had my first child. I was up since the morning going to the hospital. Then I had her the next morning without sleeping. Then I could sleep the first day cause I was not feeling good. Finally slept when we got home and that wasn't for very long. I was worn out for sure but I did spend most of that time laying down so my body was able to rest even if my mind couldn't.
@rymebristol (1808)
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
for more than 24 hours i haven't slept at all, it happened some years ago when i was still in my Freshman year in college and i am doing our final project and i am already way behind the submition date and that's because of my very helpful colleagues. i tried all my best to finish it even having sleepless nights, i just said to myself that after i am done with this, i'll have a piece on one of them and i did lol... research said that having no sleep at all have an effect on how the mind works but for certain reason i disagree on that, maybe i was young and energetic that time and i can work and 100%.
@becdmd (704)
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
Way back in college...I think the longest time without sleep was 1 day, when we went to a concert/gig til midnight, then the next day I had classes so I wasn't able to sleep, that was unforgettable moment because I was late and wasn't able to take my only one quiz for the entire term so I almost failed the subj.
• Netherlands
1 Feb 09
Hi my longest time with out sleep it was a 16 hour flight to brazil then a further 6 hours by mini van to the location of my stay.I love to fly but sleeping i can,t on planes.when the trip was over i slept for around 12 hours in between that my head was over the bog ,i was quite sick .
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
1 Feb 09
Hi, I did not sleep for 48 hours.My son was admitted in ICU and Drs told me thei cannot say his welfare before 48 hours.Me and my wife didnot sleep atall, we prayed only...He became Ok. =Lahiri,Kolkata,India.