what's the best topic you posted in mylot?

@yina24 (358)
February 4, 2009 9:29am CST
it's quite hard to think of a nicest topic wherein you can get many responses.. sometimes, you think that it's good but you're not getting any responses.. or you're lucky enough that many responded to your topic.. in just three days of signing in here, i had posted a discussion about 'having a long distance relationship'.. but after i finished doing that topic, it appeared to have someone posted the same topic but in different approach.. i thought i was not gonna have responses since i have another user posted the same topic too.. but in my surprise, i got 21presponses from this topic.. so i felt so much overwhelmed and very welcome here in mylot.. eventhough it's just 21 compared to 30+ or even more, i am happy then.. how about yours? be sure to talk only the best one.. happy mylotting. ^^
2 responses
• India
4 Feb 09
At least I responded to your write-up on the subject.I am not aware of any other member starting a similar discussion.I hope you have had time to scan through my response.It was a good topic to talk about and responses only confirm this.
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
my best topic.. is ... hmmm what underwear you wearing? and why?