Switching from sugar to sweet n low

February 4, 2009 11:47am CST
I never really considered this before. I have started counting calories better and never realized how many calories were in my coffee. I usually have 2 sugar and 2 milk....each coffee and I have 3-4 coffees a day. That adds up ...each teaspoon of sugar is 15 calories...times 2 is 30 times 4 times a day and thats 120 calories in just my coffee every day...not including the calories I add from my milk....So I have switched to Sweet and low...only 2 calories in a little package and I only need one in each coffee....So I am saving my self 100 calories a day just by switching. I am definately learning alot on this journey of weight loss. Anyone else out there did a switch like that? Or have any addition hints to cut calories from your daily routine?
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6 responses
@jbosari (155)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I made the switch a few years ago when I came to the same realization. I was using Nutrisweet until I became pregnant and started researching artificial sweeteners. Sweet N Low has been around longer than any other sweetener (something like 100 years!) and there are no proven health problems. Nutrisweet and Splenda were pushed through the FDA and I just don't trust them. I also know people who suffered headaches when trying to use them. I am still using Sweet N Low and am totally satisfied with it. Hope this info helps!
• Canada
6 Feb 09
Glad to know I choose the right one then...LOL I just got it because it was the cheapest!!! But thanks for the info! I've heard aspertane is not good for you so i don't know if that is what is in splenda but its not in sweet n low. thanks for responding and welcome to mylot.
@kimmy01 (69)
5 Feb 09
I also switched from regular sugar to a low calorie sweetener. It is amazing what a diffence it makes, i have roughly 5teaspoons a day- on cereal and in coffee throughout the day, in regular sugar that would be 80calories, whereas in my sweetener it is only 10calories.Saving 70calories per day, which is 490calories saved per week. This over one year could lead to a weightloss of 6.5lb. JUST by switching from normal sugar to sweetener Every little really does help.
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• Canada
6 Feb 09
WHY DIDN"T I DO THIS YEARS AGO LOL But seriously it just makes since and I wonder why I never did it before!!!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
I switched from Sugar to Honey many years ago. I would not dream of poisoning myself with' Sweet and Low' (which is just another name for Saccharin) When you check out the ingredients in Saccharin you will find over 100 different chemicals, all with the potential to harm your physical body. Here is additional information about sweeteners. All animals love a Sweet Taste. Dogs love it so much they will lick up antifreeze which will kill them within 2 days. However animals and humans did not evolve using sweeteners as they are used today. Because we have lived our whole lives eating sweets we have come to believe we need it in our diets. We do Not, and we can easily train our taste buds not to crave the taste. When I was eating sugar I used it in my tea, on my cereal, and on grapefruit sections. If you are doing likewise, try the food without the additional sugar or Artificial Sweetener for 2 weeks. I will guarantee, that you will never use a sweetener of any kind again on any of those foods again. (Remember that breakfast cereal is already loaded with sugar!)
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Spenda is actually a better alternative.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Sorry, that should be SpLenda.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I switched from regular sugar to splenda. At first it was different and i didn't like it. THe thing is once you get used to it you will prefer it that way. I did it to cut my calories as well. I have also reduced how much coffee i drink. I have increased water intake. And i have reduced sweet intake. Not easy like it sounds but i am surviving.
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• Canada
4 Feb 09
hey jessi, I also increase my daily water intake and limit my sugary sweet tooth foods....And I am doing pretty good as well. I also exercise regularly...and I enjoy it. I have a Wii fit and that has helped me as well. I am not a fan of the splenda but I like the sweet n low...takes just like sugar to me... Happy myloting
• United States
8 Feb 09
I know can you believe the difference... once I started to watch my calories, I learned the difference and now I have to say I much prefer sweet n low, or splenda vs sugar, it taste better and melts faster than sugar in any of the drink I put it ....mostly ice tea... and makes such a big difference on the taste and helps me to drink more of it. and I did lose weight last summer, 25 lbs, so I will stick with the 0 cal from now on...LOL have an awesome day!!