
United States
February 7, 2009 2:05am CST
The other day I was going to a McDonalds and saw a small child probably 1 or 2 years old eating a cheesburger. Do parents just not care about their kids to allow this? No wonder Obesity is such a big problem in America.
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3 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I'm not sure I understand. If you think McDonalds is so bad, why were you there? Obesity doesn't just affect children. Besides, if you were a parent and felt like eating a cheeseburger wouldn't you also feed your child at the same time? Better to feed them than to listen to the tantrum they will throw if you don't feed them
• United States
7 Feb 09
I eat fast food probably once a month and a kid at that age should be eating healthy foods to help grow the body!
• United States
11 May 09
I don't think it is that they don't care, thay just don't know. You would be surprised how little parents know. I remember that there had to air a commerical to tell pregnant mothers to eat well. On the commerical a pregnant mom was having cheese doodles.I guess there are more people like me, I stopped listening to the Food Nazis when they couldn't agree on eggs. first they were bad, and then they wwre good. I will never get pregnat so I can eat whatewver I want.But if I were to want a child , I know I would have to eat well. But the kids today really don't.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
9 Feb 09
That's sad. I certainly wouldn't allow this if I were their parents. Aren't 1-year-olds not even supposed to be eating solids like that yet? It's really sad how bad parenting is getting these days.