My blackberry Bold doesn't work on mylot!

@stinge (810)
United States
February 9, 2009 12:47am CST
I just got Blackberry Bold and I tried to respomd to a few discussions and nothing happened. Anyone else have this phone that has the same problem? I had a Motorola Q, and I had no problems replying to discussions. With the Blackberry, it lets me click on a discussion and type in my response. But when I scroll down and click post comment, nothing happens. This sucks because most of mt internet browsing is done on my phone. It's a great phone, but it just doesn't work with mylot.
1 response
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Have you looked into enabling java script on your phone? That might solve a lot of your phone issues... If not, I'm sorry, I can't tell ya what it might be...
@stinge (810)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Thanks for trying to help. I actually got it to work. I already had my java script on.I had to switch my web browser indentification from blackberry to Internet explorer to get it to work here on Mylot. I'm acually responding to you from my phone right now.