How do you handle sales calls when they call you at home?

February 13, 2009 7:24am CST
I have been getting so many sale calls lately, I must of given my number to the wrong company as I get about 5 or more a day. They will not let me go when I say "Sorry I'm not interested" and sometimes they are so rude. Today someone called he would not even let me speak so I hung up and then he rang and again and wouldn't let be say anything so I hung up again. Now the phone keeps ringing and I will not answer it. I am thinking of not having a house phone anymore! How do handle sales calls do they annoy you?
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22 responses
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
we have call display here at my house, so sometimes i will just not answer it if i dont recognize it but generally i just say that we are not interested nor can we afford whatever it is that they are selling. i hate when they call on sundays!
1 person likes this
13 Feb 09
That is a good idea my friend has that but I never thought about getting one before but I think I will now, thanks:)
@denise002 (444)
• Australia
13 Feb 09
i once got told to answer the phone then just sit the phone down and let them talk and walk away from the phone as it will cost the company for a long phone call, but then that was contradicted by someone who told me they get paid for the amount of time they keep you on the phone so im not sure if thats true. but if you do that then at least it will stop the phone from calling, just go back to the phone after 10 minutes and say "not interested but thanks" at least they wont bother calling if they have finished talking their nonesense
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13 Feb 09
My friend did that once when a man she went on a date with kept phoning. She put the phone on the side for 20 minutes and he was still there when she picked it up again. We couldn't make a phone until he hung up, it was so funny!
@Lindery (853)
• Latvia
13 Feb 09
In my country sales calls aren't very popular but sometimes I get a call from someone's offering a special service. If I accept the conversation or not depends from my mood. Luckily ringers are polite and ask "do you have a minute?" and you can say "yes, I do." or "no, I don't". Usually if you say "no" then they try to ask when they can ring you back, then I just tell them honestly that I am not interested. In your situation I would really think of changing a home number or cancel home phone at all. Or other suggestion: block all numbers, leave only those you know. You can do that in a central.
13 Feb 09
I always be polite and say no I haven't got a minute because it is always a waste of time. I was thinking of canceling my home phone because that would save me money:
@Jae2619 (1483)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Thankfully I do have caller ID, and can monitor my calls, but it's still annoying to have the phone ring and ring all day long with unknown numbers. I let my answering machine get most of those crazy calls, and if they give me the option of opting out, I do. We are on the do not call list, but we still get a ton of calls. If I do for some reason answer the phone because i've mistaken the number, I will let them tell me what's going on and then I tell them. Look, I know your trying to make a living doing this, but I don't have the time, please do not call me again, and remove my number from your calling list, and hang up. Most generally they don't call back because most of the calls are monitored.
13 Feb 09
I need caller ID too, then I will only answer to people I know. My phone rings all day and I run for the phone and get annoyed when its a sales call. I'm letting it go to answer machine now, thanks:)
• United States
14 Feb 09
The best thing to do is to answer the phone as a local police station. Ask them to state their emergency! Then they will ask for a name! Tell them sir or ma'am you do realize this is a police station and we have tracked your call from {caller id} Your company will be fined $15,000 for violation of Code CO26EB729 for calling random numbers. You should revieve a letter in the mail in a couple of weeks! THEN HANG UP... Trust me they will not be calling anymore... :)
14 Feb 09
Good idea! That would scare them. I should try that one:)
• India
14 Feb 09
yes it is right normally all faced these type problems when they choose a wrong company. i think best idea is for not getting any phone calls from these type of companies u have to talk to higher authorities of that companies hope it will work if it will not work u have to take an strict action against that company u can do an court case on that company.
• Trinidad And Tobago
14 Feb 09
ok mr business teacher
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
13 Feb 09
If you have caller ID and know that the same marketer is calling you again, get a big old whistle and give him/her a blast the second time. I do believe, also, that if you tell them not to call you again and they do, that they are breaking the law and can be prosecuted. I remember a news story about a woman who did that and got a huge settlement from the company. Once you tell them not to call anymore, and they do, keep records of the calls for evidence.
13 Feb 09
I thought maybe he is breaking the law as I shouldn't have to put up with being harassed. The problem is he with held his number so I don't know who is calling, he wouldn't even let me speak so he couldn't hear anything I was saying that's why I hung up.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
14 Feb 09
I entertain them. Because I understand how hard their job is. So to support them, I listen to their sales script. And if i got interested to the products or services they offered, I go for it. If not, I politely tell them also.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
13 Feb 09
I start walking receing such call and go out of home and then deal with the person calling and make him abiding to purchase from me lol
• China
14 Feb 09
sometimes it is can tell them i do not need,thank you.or i had get it and so on.
@reichiru (748)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
I usually just hang up as soon as I'm able to, if the people don't give me a chance to tell them I'm not interested, I'll just be ruthless and hang up on them. Usually the calls I get don't bother with calling back after I hang up, so I'm usually okay when it comes to that.
@djemba (767)
• India
14 Feb 09
When I get sales calls it thoroughly irritates me because frankly speaking I never would buy anything through the phone as a fact since the product is not before your eyes and I am not happy with blind purchases. And most of all, at times the cell phone battery is down so it really annoys me when an unnecessary call makes the battery meter go even more down. So when they do call me, I just shut it down with, "No, not intrested" and cut the line, the person should understand that he himself/herself would be annoyed when a call comes ringing when you are asleep after a tring day or working on something important. Infact, it is unlawful to make such sales call.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
I dont get too many as I have an unlisted number which has almost entirely cut that out. Here we also now have whats called a national do not call list. People not wanting calls can add their name to this list and companies are not allowed to call. I have at times said "I know you are just doing your job and trying to make a living and I too have done that kind of work, but I really am not interested but thanks for your time."
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
14 Feb 09
very easy, just ask them to send more information to you. Give a fictitious email and says that you will look into it. Then hang up. If they call again a week later, just say that "thanks for the email, but I am not interested in the product at the moment. I will keep the email and give you a call when I want to buy the product."
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Call me a few times and find out. My number is: djbtol
• Pakistan
13 Feb 09
You are right these stupid sales companies do tease the common people i dont you about ur country rules about this junk calls but if we here in Pakistan have these kind of calls we can report to PTA and then they can block or cancel the phone or license of that comapany so what i do is that i tell the calling person buddy or miss i dont need to listen you and simply hang the phone and if they call me again i simply file a complaint about that comapny and the rest will be taken care :)
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
13 Feb 09
well i listen if iam not busy and when they are done i tell them iam not interested and some ask who makes the desicion please don,t say you do because if you do they will try to sell you it better to tell them yo have to discuss any desicion with your mate are husband and then they will try to call you back if so tell them you are not interested.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Feb 09
I don't know how it is in the UK, but here in the US if you tell them to mark your phone number as 'do not solicit', they have to honor that. If they don't, you can report them and they can end up paying fines.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
13 Feb 09
i have to be honest. i am not nice about it because i am on the do not call list and it really gets me angry especially when i am in the middle of something and i run to the phone and it is a telemarketer. i make sure they know never to call my home again that is for sure.
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
Most of these companies have an 1-800 number.I watch the ID screen on my phone before answering, and if it'a an 1-800 number, I don't anwer. If for any reason, it happens and I pick the phone up, I'm trying to be polite, but refuse their offer by saying "you're a good seller, but I'm really not inteersted in your product", and close . I don't want to make them feel bad, because they are trying to earn some extra money (and who does not need extra money...). Just let them know that they do their job good, but you're not the one that'll buy from them this time.Maybe they'll have more success with the next person.