I hate the Rain

United States
February 13, 2009 2:12pm CST
it's raining, and I hate it. The rain keeps the sunshine out, and the sunshine gives me my Vitamins and also Sunlight makes me happy. Sometimes if I am in a bad mood or feeling a little bit under the weather I'll sit in the sun and read a book or pet a cat or something and I'll always, ALWAYS feel tons better afterwards. And there's also studies that depression is more prominent in the north where they go months without sunlight, and that in the winter depression rises because the days are shorter, and people are more tired and things because of not having sunlight. Plus the rain makes the roads dangerous and people in houston are terrible drivers!
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19 responses
• China
14 Feb 09
I don't know whether it rains much in your area.But one point is clear ,the rainy weather must have brought you some inconvenience and thus unhappiness.Since it is impossible to change the weather immediately ,it is suggested that you take part in some indoor activities,which will reduce the unhappy feelings .
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Seamstress and video editor seem to be an odd combination, how did that come about. May I as a question of the seamstress part that you may not know but it would be helpful if you can give me an answer without going to any trouble. Do you have any ballpark idea of what it would cost to get someone to replace a zipper on a man's bomber style leather jacket? Thanks.
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• United States
15 Feb 09
hahha, you hit it right on the dot! I was trying to run errands and the rain was so bad the freeways were crawling at like 10 Mph, and I had a boring job that I was working on that day too. Needless to say my greatest desire at that moment was to be sitting in the warm sun and sipping a pink lemonade at a picnic. I do enjoy indoor activities though, I am a seamstress and video editor, you have to be inside for those, and it's my passion in life. Also I love Card/Board games too so yeah, just a bad day I guess. Thanks though!!
• United States
16 Feb 09
not much as all! Zippers only cost about 4 dollars, just get a seperating jacket zipper the same length of the current jacket and sew the new one in place of the old one let me know if you need more details!
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I am glad that we do not get snow here around Houston. I would not be able to drive in all of the snow and ice that they have to face every year up north. I also do not like rainy days. It is more fun for me to stroke the warm fur of my cat. Cats make me feel better from the rain and problems.
• United States
16 Feb 09
me too!!!! I'm glad someone agrees with me! I would hate driving in snow and ice, especially i Houston where noone knows how to drive in it! And I love my cat too, she's the sweetest cat in the world!!
@kaguvkov (1305)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Feb 09
In my situation here I really like to be raining always as we are here living in the pacific region. I don't like sunshine because we are used to it everyday and the rain can make me feel more relax as the environment becomes more colder.
• United States
15 Feb 09
mmm, no, that's another thing, I also hate the cold! I get cold very easily and I hate a chilly rain! it's the worst. I'm glad that where I live, the temperature is rarely ever below like, 60.
@Arjen07 (164)
• Romania
14 Feb 09
I hate when it's really a bad weather and it rains. Also I hate when it rains end after that it gets really cold and the water turns to ice, thus making the roads dangerous. But there are situations when it rains and the sun still shines because there are jsut a few clouds in the sky. You can see the rainbow in those moments. One of the best feelings in the world.
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• United States
15 Feb 09
YES!!! Those, I like! those, I think are awesome! There's a picture out right now where a guy took a picture of the end of a rainbow, it was in the road it was CRAZY looking! You should try to find it, because it's awesome!
@Veriteigh (126)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
I absolutely love the rain. The rain is kind of an eye in the storm when it is winter. It will freeze the next day and the sidewalks and roads will be ridiculous. This happened here recently. Sidewalks are pure ice. The roads have been plowed by now.
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• United States
15 Feb 09
this has never happened to me. I live in Texas, and it's just never happened. However it does happen in other parts of texas, and once I was trying to drive through a place that had patches of ice on the road, and I was driving at night, and my worst fear was Black Ice at the moment. But fortunately I didn't hit any, however, I saw so many accidents from other people hitting it, it was terrible.
• India
14 Feb 09
Rain is the essential gods gift. many peoples like farmers who are suffering of rain. but why did you dislike Rain. It was a essential thing.
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• United States
15 Feb 09
a good rain is OK. you know where it's still sunny and the rainbows are out and it feeds the plants perfectly! but when it's cloudly all day and it's just awful and miserable, that's when i can't stand it!
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Well rain is a necessary "evil" to make things grow so life can survive on Earth. You are fortunate rain wise, at least, to live in Houston because you seldom if ever have a shortage of rain or water there and as you say may get more than you like. Some places on more serious note could use a lot more these days such as Australia with the devastating fires recently. I'm from Texas and grew up North of Dallas where most of the time we had a good balance of rain and sun. I now live in NM where things are much drier and fire is a constant danger. I would like to move back to Texas, say to the Austin area, but son't really want quite as much rain as you get in Houston. I hope when you are sitting in the sun that your are careful to not over do it, some sun block might be advisable; you may not care now but in later life you will regret it if you get too much sun.
• United States
15 Feb 09
ha! I am responding to you right now IN AUSTIN! I am visiting my best friend that lives here. I've always been interested in New Mexico, my Aunt lived there for a while and she said it was cool. She said she really enjoyed it even. But, I can imagine the drought and fire dangers are something to worry about. Especially with what we've seen recently in Australia!
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Sometimes Rain is Ok with me, but most of the time it makes me lazy... I feel like I dont want to do anything beside in bed, watching TV. hehehehe.... I live in California and it is Rain so hard today, but tomorrow it would be clear sky...
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• United States
15 Feb 09
That's the EXACT same way I feel! It makes me feel like I don't want to do ANYTHING and I just sleep all day! and I'm tired so much faster than normal, it's ridiculous. It's rainy today and I've slept like 12 hours, honestly. I hate it, I want to not be dragged down!
@rane247 (78)
• Philippines
14 Feb 09
Sometimes I love the rain it really depends on my mood. I agree you could not do some your daily activities if it rains and it really bores you a lot. But sometimes when you feel like laid back and relax and just listen to the raindrops in your roof you'll find it relaxing. And if you have any companion or a family, friend etc. You could have a quality bonding while raining.
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• United States
15 Feb 09
you know it's funny because as a kid, I LOVED thunderstorms because it meant that me and my brother and sister would be hunkering down and turning off the lights and reading scary stories and watching movies with storms in it like "Clue" and stuff! We really had a good time!
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
14 Feb 09
Yeah,sunny days are always delightful.But it would also not be a good thing if sunny days come weeks after weeks,because we'll facing a shortage of water!Thats a serious problem.I love sunny days in a daytime,and hope it rains at night when I dont have to go out to work.lol.The air will be fresher after it rains at night.
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• United States
15 Feb 09
I have noticed that too. It's like the day after a heavy rain if the sun is once again shining brightly and beautifully, the air is so much CLEANER. it's like everything is so much CRISPER and I feel like I can really see for miles! It's amazing! So I guess that's ONE good thing about rain, the fact that it makes the beautiful days even more beautiful. Especially with living in Houston Texas where the smog is REALLY bad. it's not the worst in America, but I think it's in the top 5 or something for Smog pollution.
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
14 Feb 09
you should not hate it .. anyway its part of our living. Wether ita rain or shine just smile because life is beautiful ...
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• United States
15 Feb 09
your right, life IS beautiful and I DO enjoy it a lot. BUt that doesn't mean I sometimes don't let my emotions get the best of me and I have a little fit about the rain being so bad sometimes. it's just been rainy all WEEK and i'm tired of it. I'm ready to enjoy dry roads once more.
@murugezh (273)
• India
14 Feb 09
Some Places in the world raining some places in the world there was terrific sunlight burning out it was changing place to place. Both were part of this world what to do? I am need of rain now. I need a lot of rain on my head here in Chennai it was started to burn out us. Another six months we don't know how to be here in Chennai.
• United States
15 Feb 09
that sounds bad, someone maybe should deliver water! I hope that your land DOES get rain, but I hope it's a sunny rain where it's not this torrential horrible storm with winds and stuff that just do more damage! no no, I want it to be a happy rain for everything just turns perfect after that, haha!
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
14 Feb 09
Hi, It is True,Sunshine has a special meaning to our Life as a whole.But after a long sunshine days intermittent rains are NOT BAD! Does it not give freedom-sense from monotony?The change of surroundings & nature do give a Welcome-change Feeling! Of course,again Raining continuously give rise all the problems to daily routines.Then people really cry out for a slice of sunlight,again for a change.This is LIFE,it goes On... =Lahiri,Kolkata,India.
• United States
15 Feb 09
LOVE the quote! thank you for that and you're right about the monotony, but very seldom do I think "oh, I'm SO tired of this SUNSHINE" I'm usually like "OH! Another GORGEOUS DAY Thank you Lord!" yep. But it doesn't stop my life from GOING, it just slows it down in a significantly bratty way.
• India
14 Feb 09
i can go with some part of your opinion .. but the moment before rain , the time before actual rain , the dark clouds and wind flow man i love it to greater extent .. dont you love that type of atmo?
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• United States
15 Feb 09
you have a point. But it has to catch me at the right moment. like, if I wake up and it's like that I usually feel lazy and down all day, but if it comes on in the afternoon (In Houston, this is very common, in fact, we have this saying that goes "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes" because it's usually very fickle) and I notice it, I DO really love it, and I think it's AWESOME and like I am in a movie or something, ahaha!
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Enjoy the rain. After all, it could be snowing there like it is here!
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• United States
13 Feb 09
LOL I live in Houston Texas, it never snows here! But I guess I should be thankful. Driving on Ice seems terrifying to me considering I've never had to do it, and I've seen many scary videos of people not knowing how to drive on ice, and I'd probably be one of those people.
• United States
13 Feb 09
We need the rain so that our crops and vegetation and fruit can grow, and we can have food to eat. Droughts are a threat to our economy, which is drained enough as it is. I lived through the drought of '88. I remember the brown lawns in the middle of summer, the hot, hot weather. I gotta tell you--on the night of Saturday, July 16--when it rained the first time in weeks, maybe months, I was overjoyed to see it. So I am thankful for the rain. It sure beats the heck out of snow.
• United States
15 Feb 09
I know we need rain for the crops, I wish we didn't!! I wish the water from the ground would just seep up and water everything from underneath. Gravity pulls the water down though so that's why it has to rain. I just hate it though because of the aforementioned reasons.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
13 Feb 09
The rain probably hates you back. I hope you have a drought in the summer and then you will be begging for rain. But rain will say "No, no rain for you. I hope you die of thirst." Then coyotes will drag your body in the woods and rain will laugh out load and entomb your dried bones in mud and rain.
• United States
13 Feb 09
that's pretty humorous, but, it won't happen. Even if there is a drought, I can just buy bottled water and go to a hotel to shower (if they say we can't use water at certain times or whatever) so i'm not really worried about dying of thirst, it's not like I live in a forest by myself, i'm posting on a computer!
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Hello, I don't mind the rain but what I don't like is snow. People where I live are bad driver in snow because it doesnt usually snow close to sea level.
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• Philippines
14 Feb 09
Let us just be thankful to what God has sent us be it rain, snow or sunlight.... anyway what matters most is our attitude towards it.... God bless!
• United States
15 Feb 09
you have certainly got a point there. I am grateful for all God has done for me and I don't by any means question his design of the ecosystem - I couldn't EVER invent something like planet Earth in a million years even if I tried, and I doubt any team of humans could ever do it either. so, I am grateful for that. But it doesn't mean I don't like it