pants or shirt ?

February 16, 2009 4:35am CST
Heyya guys :) This morning as i was getting dressed , I noticed that I always wear my pants before I put on a shirt. I'm not sure if this is sheer habits or something I developed over time. I know this question might come across as weird , but it's just for the sheer fun of it :)
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7 responses
@vipinl (802)
• India
16 Feb 09
I don't know, actually I never noticed but surely do the next
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• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Haha . Do keep us updated and post as soon as you can on the results :)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
hahaha.. just do it..
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@vipinl (802)
• India
16 Feb 09
hey I did, and the result is that I put on my boxers first... rofl
• India
16 Feb 09
does this signify anything? is it related to any aspect of your personality
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• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Haha nope . Not that I know of at least . This question is just to satisfy my curiousity :) so are you a pants or shirt person ? :P
• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Haha most of us wear both . It's a matter of which one we put on first mate :)
• India
16 Feb 09
i am a both pants & shirts person i prefer to wear both :)
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
After reading your discussion, then only I think of my habit of wearing clothes. I think I do not have any special order of wearing shirt first or pant first, sometimes I wear pants first, but sometimes I wear shirt first.
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• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Cool another Malaysian here :) just noticed as I was adding you up :) I find it weird too that only today I tought about the way I dressed :)
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
I wear my pants first too before my shirt. Maybe i just want my shirt to be fresh before going out of the house. I live in a tropical country so i perspire quickly. I need to stay fresh all the time. I just not used too by walking around the house with my shirt on but without my pants. I just don't want to get caught without my pants hehe..
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• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Haha :) Yeah . We all have a need to stay fressssssssssh :) Do you live alone ? Or do you parade around the house without pants while everyone stares at you :P
@tudors (1556)
• China
16 Feb 09
very unique question you have raised. I always put on blous first then the pants.
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• Philippines
16 Feb 09
lol!! you know why? i think your a girl that why you put on your blouse first before pants,, am i right?
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• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Haha . thanks :) Have you always done it that way ? Or is it a subconcious habit?
@katsalot1 (1618)
16 Feb 09
I put on top before bottom, so that I can tuck the shirt or blouse in as I get dressed, otherwise you can feel the cold button or zip on your tummy!
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• Malaysia
16 Feb 09
Haha . The cold zip just sends shivers down my spine :)
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I do my shirt before my pants. I think it's all in what your comfortable with.