Do you prefer outer beauty or inner beauty?

@myfb2009 (8296)
February 21, 2009 6:45am CST
Recently, l read from one of the woman's magazine, based on survey, they discovered that, majority youngster prefer outer beauty more than inner beauty..Those who still in dating process, always choose outer beauty in their partner. Wel, what happen to those who don't have outer beauty? Do they need to do plastic surgery?
2 responses
• Philippines
21 Feb 09
I happen to know a lot of girls who don't really look models or gorgeous looking, however, they have these kinds of attitudes that just makes you go wow! I admit, I feel jealous over this friend of mine, because she is just outgoing and everyone likes her. She doesn't care what exactly people will think of her negatively. Her grades are better than I, she runs for student council, and she tutors almost everyone! She's outrageously smart, and charming! But she's not that much of a pretty fact. what makes her pretty is how she handles herself. for those people who don't have outer beauty.. that's easy. they could work out better on their lifestyle, and inner beauty - that means, personality and attitude.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 09
Thanks for all those responses that l had received. Yes, when we was young maybe we will prefer outer beauty more than inner beauty. Because outer beauty easily catches our eyes. But, in the long run, we will be able to understand that only inner beauty will stay with us forever..
@SangsTurks (1444)
• India
21 Feb 09
Well, when you are young and the life all rosy around you prefer outer beauty. but with age and time that you have spent on this earth you learn that outer beauty is of no use, it is the inner beauty that matters in the long run. infact the best people are the people who dont have outer beauty BUT the are the best from within.