As a student ,should we surf the net frequently?

February 22, 2009 4:31am CST
As a student,our teachers ,parents and friends would ofen tell us to keep away from computer. Because they think what we should do is only study,study and study.Some students even college students lost themselves just because of comeputer games.Do you really think so,my friends?
4 responses
@fren45 (894)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 09
As a student u should learn how to use computer to gain knowledge..
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@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
I think students should limit themselves from the use of internet especially during examination days. The use of internet for games and other unnecessary activities could have a great effect to studies. If not minimized, use of internet for games will make the student addicted to it thus studies will be sacrificed. Internet is good if used in studying and research works. I have seen a lot of students especially the young ones who are very addicted to computer games. They are becoming more violent at home and towards other kids. Children foster social isolation, as they are often played alone. Many games only offer an arena of weapons, killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting. So as you can see here I am really anti-internet abuse. Minimal use with a good purpose is okay but abuse in games is not good at all.
@elsoft12 (1821)
• India
22 Feb 09
Computer is a great piece of entity...and it depends on you how you use it.Its just that you need to know how you want to use it and how you are going to use.Once you are clear you are using it for something constructive and make people around you aware of it,it should be fine with everybody.Its sometimes possible to lose it videogames..thats fine,but just restricting urself to videogames as a student,you may be missing using the computer to its potential.
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• Philippines
24 Feb 09
yep.. first u should excel ur computing skill and by surfing on internet u gain knowledge..