Saints Row 2 . . possibly 3?

Saints Row 2 Picture I Made on Photoshop - I made this picture using Photoshop CS4 Trail, i would recommend buying to anyone looking for a good photo editing program.
February 25, 2009 2:57pm CST
Dont you think Saints Row 2 is a great game but would be alot better if it wasn't so cartoon looking. The game has a good story but all the sub-missions are a real pain to do. What do you think of the game? Do you think a sequal of Saints Row 3 would be cool? Do you know anything about release dates or if it is a possibility of a 3rd Saints Row? Hopefull my picture will work with this.
1 response
25 Feb 09
Firstly i agree with you, Saints Row 2 would be better if it had a proper graphics engine. Secondly, Saints Row 3 is coming out for Xbox 360 but there is doubts it will come out with PS3 as MIcrosoft has bought of the developing body of Saints Row. It probably will feature with the PS3 though as Microsoft will be looking for a extra income.