Do you often feel alone in a strange city?

February 26, 2009 10:17am CST
Now I am working in the big,strange city of shenzhen in China,as everyone known,most of this city are from different city or even province,so we often feel alone or lonely. At least ,i have this feeling.I usually can't find a girl friend to go around on street with me ,or I can't find a person who can listen to me when I feel sad or happy. So I want to find a friend,but I don't know how to find a person who can be my friend!
2 responses
• China
27 Feb 09
The sad thing is i feel i'm alone whatever i been,i haven't really found a place i can related to home.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Oddly enough I dont...In fact I enjoy being in a new place...I'm free to explore and can live my days around MY schedule without being distracted by the computer, phone etc etc...