looking for people who can click sincerely daily, no referrals, its straight!

@jshekhar (1562)
February 27, 2009 11:16pm CST
Hello friends, Let me put this very straight. I have a blog and I have put up a few advertisements on that. I am required to generate clicks on it. So, if any of you are interested in making money, I would be happy to be associated with you guys. All you need to do is visit the blog and click on 3-4 links daily, with an interval of 24 hours and I would pay you 2 to 5 cents daily. And there is no minimum payout, I would pay at the end of each day. If any of you are interested, mail me at jayant.arianster@gmail.com AND send me a friend request right here. You can also message me here. Let's shake hands and go places... You might suspect me of cheating but I do actually pay.As a proof, you can see my other discussion, where people have got paid and responded. Even if I am a fraud, there is no harm in giving yourself a chance to earn, right??
1 response
• United States
28 Feb 09
Sounds fishy to me. I am not going to start calling names, as I dont like to do that. But, what I do like to do is research sites before I join them. Lets see who gets paid and who dont. If then I think that your legit, Ill join, if not...I wont. fair enough