How to keep a good friendship?

March 4, 2009 8:44pm CST
After I graduated from my college,I often feel lonely.Since now I have only several good friends,I remember I can have many good friends who can share with me everything. But maybe I don't know how to keep this relation,most of my friends become strange to each other.You know ,for we are not in the same place ,not doing the similar job,we have not much the similar topic .If I phone one of them, fistly ,I often ask "how about you recently,how about your love ,your life or your job".I find our topic is so boring. I remember someone said:Don't forget old friends when you have a new friend.
4 responses
@knyn23 (71)
• Philippines
5 Mar 09
give space. never keep any anger inside. be open.
• China
5 Mar 09
Maybe those are very important,but it's easier said than done!Thank you for your advice!
@nut_nut (251)
8 Mar 09
lol some u win some u lose :) its the friends you connect with that matter. dont try and keep ties with ppl that you cant connect with. friends are important of course but dont hold onto ppl because of that saying, it goes without saying if a friend is that gooder friend theres no way you would forget them meeting somebody else.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
5 Mar 09
Good friendship depends on both side. Just by doing good alone is not going to help. this must be reciprocated well.
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I just graduated from college too, and have come back to my home town and have about two friends because the rest have moved away or gotten married. I try really hard to stay in touch with my old college friends too but it is so hard because we are so busy and are not doing the same stuff anymore. I don't think it's bad to have to let go eventually, it's not easy but it's not possible to keep the same friendship. As you get new friends and they do too it will become more natural to become distant gradually. Just be sure to try hard to make new ones because you will get really lonely without freinds who care and want to know how you're doing.