Abnormal baby.. what are you to do?

@laydee (12798)
March 8, 2009 7:50pm CST
Here's something serious. Let's say you are pregnant with the first baby. Let's just say you found out after a series of ultrasounds and other tests that your baby would be born with severe abnormalities. Would you still go on with it knowing that your kid would have difficulties when he/she is in this world?
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7 responses
@dhisaw (304)
• United States
9 Mar 09
For me that would not even be a question that I would ask myself. I love children. To me I would go on with it and just deal with whatever life throws my way. I have always wanted children. I would figure that that would be what GOD had in store for my child and my life and I would do whatever it took to take care of that child.
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@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
9 Mar 09
Yes, I think I would. I am very lucky to have the children I do. My second child has learning delays, but that should be a non issue in a few years. Even if it wasn't I wouldn't have not had her because of them. It's a challenge to deal with her, but it is also a joy because it makes me stop and enjoy not only every milestone she does reach, but every milestone her siblings reach as well. We take that kind of stuff for granted too much. Also, I think that missing parts is not that huge of a deal either. I mean, sure it is a big deal, but not big enough to choose not to have the child.
• United States
10 Mar 09
I have five gorgeous children of my own and was blessed that none of them have any special needs but even if they had any special needs to go through life i couldn't imagine not having any of them. Some children come into this life without anything holding them back and others come into this world with needing a push start on life. I believe that the decision for children is everyones own personal choice to make. If anyone of my children would of been diagnosed with a physical or mental problem I personally would of gone through with it no matter if the child may or may not of lived to be adults. I cherish the gifts that God blesses us with and I believe everyone is given what he believes they can deal with. No person or child is given things that they in some way or another cannot deal with. The world is so full of advances in technology and medical that alot of the issues that children are born with are solveable and or maintanable. Look inside your heart and decide for yourself what you are able to do in this life and decide what is best for you. My prayers go out to you whatever you may decide and I hope that the road ahead is blessed with joy happiness and lots of love.
• United States
9 Mar 09
Yes, I would. All children are special, and all children deserve their time in this world. What is perceived as difficulties aren't always difficulties but a way of life. You would be surprised at just how strong so many children are who have one disability, abnormality or another. There are countless stories about them, their journeys in life, and all of them are so inspirational. I think of Helen Keller, or Robert Merrick. Talk about tough lives, and yet they have inspired generations after them with their stories. Namaste-Anora
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@xiaouie15 (289)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
Yes. It is already there and all I can do is to give birth to that child, inspite and despite of his or her abnormalities. It wasn't her or his fault anyway. And that abnormal baby is still my child, so I must take good care of her no matter what. Who knows? Maybe it wasn't that bad after all. And such abnormalities are curable. So, who knows maybe through proper care and medications that child could still sooner have a normal life.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
I think it's the thought of being hopeless in terms of giving that child a better future that succumbs most of us to worrying about abnormalities. But I guess if he/she is your child, it brings about new found courage and you'd soon realize, that these abnormalities don't really make anyone less of a person/a child at all. Thanks for dropping by.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
i've thought about the possibility of that happening to me, a whole lot of times before. especially when i was pregnant with my first. anyway my answer is Yes, i know it's a tough decision thinking about the consequence of bringing him into this world with a condition like that. but I can never predict or tell exactly what God has in store for me and the child. yes, i'll deliver the baby even if it imposes some health risk on me
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
11 Mar 09
That is a tough one. But I would have been willing to take it on as we are talking about my baby here. My own first born has autism, though with autism it shows up after the child is born and is older, around 2-3 years of age. So even with the tests and ultrasounds (I had 2 done) it appeared my baby was "normal". Would I have had him anyway, if I would have known beforehand? Definitely. Though I probably would have studied up on it while I was still pregnant with him so I could learn what to expect.