Is your puppy fine when you change different food for him/her?

@mermaidivy (15395)
United States
March 9, 2009 12:38pm CST
My puppy just puked and he is acting very sick now :-( I bought him new food yesterday before the old was finished, it was same brand name - Purina but different formula. He had puked when he was little baby when we changed different food for him, but he would get used to it quickly. I bought it at Petco, I'm gonna go see if they can change it for me, unfortnately, I threw away the recipe yesterday... but they could check with my Petco card.. I don'tknow. ave anybody experienced this before? And do you think I can get different package of food if I bring it back without the recipe?
1 response
• United States
9 Mar 09
I'm sorry your dog did take to his new food. Most of the time they say to mix the food for at least a week with the old food to get their system use to it. I have found with my dog that when I put new food in her bowl with her old food she eats the new food and not the old food. I have a poodle and I have changed her food so many times and normally she is fine.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
9 Mar 09
yeah.. I think I should have save some of the old food to mix with...