I don't know about you but.....

United States
March 11, 2009 6:40pm CST
After watching this movie, which had me in tears because it is based on things that really happen, I started researching on what companies in America sell "conflict free" diamonds. I told my boyfriend if he ever buys me a diamond that it had to be conflict free. I didn't know that this kind of thing went on until we watched this movie. Very eye opening.... Would you make sure that you were buying conflict free diamonds?
3 responses
• China
12 Mar 09
keke,i don`t buy any diamond,i don`t care they are conflict free or clean...because i don`t have so much money...
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• United States
12 Mar 09
I hear you there!!! Not too many people can afford them these days... But you never know when you might get to that point.
• China
12 Mar 09
i know...sorry,i take back my words,but i think what i can do on this thing as a person...
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@tea512 (687)
• United States
12 Mar 09
there are only a few diamond mines left in the world and most of the diamonds are resold i think you are putting alot of pressure, exspecation and high price tag. It seems like a really good idea and i am not saying i do not support your choice. This is hard because the government if letting it happen there is nothing that can be done without a change of leadership which seems unliely. i admire your stance but i feel somethings are just to big and hopeless to change.
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• United States
12 Mar 09
I don't beleive that at all. I think any change has to start someplace. And through my research I have found that there are many business' that have a promise of conflict free diamonds. I know that is no guarentee that it's true. But it's a step in the right direction. I think everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions. How else can you make a difference?
• India
12 Mar 09
I completely agree with u..!! i too watched d movie n couldn't stop myself from crying.Its so horrific..!!When did business n profit became more valuable than d lives of all d peoples of an entire nation..??!!D situation i think is best described in d movie itself..wen leonardo says.. "When i wonder will GOD ever forgive us for doing all this to each other.. i remember dat GOD had long left this forsaken lands..!!" i don't know whether a situation would ever arise in my life to buy a diamond...but i have promised myself dat i'l make hundred percent sure dat it won't cost another person's life.it will never b a conflict diamond.