My dog was limping...

United States
March 12, 2009 6:36am CST
My dog started limping and holding the other leg up so he wouldn't put weight on it. This was two days ago. I began to worry. I looked in the pads of his paws, at his nails, and looked at his leg, then I rubbed all over his leg and paw to see if I could find any sensitive areas. It didn't look as though he had any injuries, nothing stuck in the pads of his paw... I was perplexed. My boyfriend gave him a thorough look-over as well. We were hoping it was just a sore muscle or pulled muscle, or something similar and not so serious. I said I was going to give it a few days and if he was still limping by Saturday afternoon, I would take him to the vet after work. Vets are so expensive! I really couldn't afford to take him just for the vet to charge me $50 to tell me he cannot help him and it is just a sprain that will heal on its own in a few days. Anyway, thankfully, this morning he was barely limping at all and even putting weight on the leg he'd not been using, so I think everything is better now or at least STARTING to feel better for him, so I am very happy. I am still going to keep a very close eye on him over then next few days, of course! When something like this happens to your dog, do you take it to the vet immediately if it's something you suspect might heal on its own, or do you wait a few days to see what happens, and then if the pet is not better in a day or two, decide to THEN take it to the vet?
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4 responses
• India
16 Mar 09
Hello my friend Bethany1202 Ji, I have two ways to think, one is 'God is great' and has alraedy provided many such abilities to get automatically cured themselves by nature. Next is , because, you can afford to take to Vet, why not avail a chance and leave no doubt for any further risk. may god bless you and have a great time.
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
14 Mar 09
Broken Dew Claw Nail - Puppy Bandaged Dew Claw Nail Broken At The Quick
Well a day or two is less than a few days. i wouldn't leave it more than two days. I had a similar problem with my dog but she was able to bear weight on it. See my discussion here: As soon as I noticed it and was able to verify that there was indeed a problem I called the vet. I knew it wasn't broken because she could bear weight on it. I knew she wouldn't need x-rays. I knew the vet would prescribe bed rest and less activity outdoors as regular for a few days to see if it helped. I immediately got some pain meds for my dog to help any brusing and swelling at the health food store and also some homeopathic to help her stay calm and be in as less distress as possible. I was still very concerned. Well as the post says I figured it out. Since I have first aid, I was able to access and assist adequately. Plus I know my little dog. I would never let anything odd with my dog be left for more than two days max before calling the vet. Not if it was something all of a sudden and obviously painful. Vets are expensive. It is the committment we make when we take on owning a dog. Anything can happen and is best to have a few to several hundred or more saved in case of pet emergencies. I am glad he is seemingly starting to feel better. My first thought was glass in his paw. It would be hard to see. The second thought was that your dog needs to see a vet since he isn't putting weight on his leg. This can be something that needs medical attention. If he is not walking normally and I mean normally by Saturday, I would rush him into Emergency. If you can locate a vet that does homeopathic medicine I recommend it so to avoid your dog being prescribed medicine that will make him sick. This recently happened to my dog when she had an accident a week ago. She had to go to emergency and was in for two hours and had three x-rays. They gave her some pain medicine that made her breathing speed up and become deep. I took her off of it immediately and got some homeopathic medicine. The vet who prescribed it isn't a vet who knows me or my dog. It was emergency. My bill is $420. It is the cost of having a dog. I wish you and your canine friend the very best and that he is all better soon. I am in the midst of nursing my own and is never easy when our pals are hurting.
• United States
16 Mar 09
Thanks for your info and advice. I normally take the dog to the vet at once if there is a problem I know only a vet can help, but I figured it might have been a sprain or pulled muscle, which the vet prob couldn't have helped anyway. Both my boyfriend and I carefully checked every inch of his paw, leg, and hip. I checked all his nails as well. Trust me, my dogs are my babies and I hate to see them in pain and would take them to be seen anytime they need medical attention. Thankfully, he stopped limping Friday and seemed all better Saturday and now he is good as new!
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
16 Mar 09
Wow that was a rather costly vet bill. I know, my girl is my baby too and no matter what is she needs professional care she gets it, regardless of the cost. that is secondary. Her health is first and foremost. I can not stand seeing my girl in pain either. It makes me cringe. I am so glad that your dogs paw appears to be all better. That is certainly great news. I wonder why he was limping in the first place. Strange. Well, thank you for your comment(s). Glad that your dog is OK now.
• United States
16 Mar 09
And if you think $420 is high -- my dog had a skin tag and a mole that seemed to be growing, so I had to get both removed and biopsied last summer, which ran almost $1500 PLUS another $200 for the prior prep visit. Yes, vets certainly ARE expensive.
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• United States
12 Mar 09
I don't have a poochy to look after, but the vet is expensive. You should look at getting pet insurance.
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
14 Mar 09
I hear pet insurance is a burn. Do your research first and Read The Small Print Before signing anything!
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• United States
12 Mar 09
i like you cant afford to take my pet to the vet right away in case it is a false alarm but i will take them if they arent better in a day or two money willing..
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