Are you a loyal consumer to a specific brand ?

@lusirafa (944)
March 13, 2009 9:06pm CST
When it comes to shopping, I never become a loyal consumer of a specific brand. For example : if I'm looking for a food and electronic product, I always look for a certain high quality brands. But whenever a different brand offer more quality of their product, I certainly switch to that new brand. But when it come to fashion and clothing I always look for a best buy product and all the product that made me comfortable when wearing it regardless of it's brand. That's why, I never stick to one certain brand. How about you ?
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25 responses
@Archie0 (5653)
14 Mar 09
yes i am loyal to some specific brands. i never change as i am comfortable to them. and had never found any substitue for them as though. even if i find i think i wont be able to jump over to another brand name because i am very comfortable with the specific ones which i normally use
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@angel2009 (210)
• India
14 Mar 09
There are certain products in which I am brand specific like lipsticks, eyeliners, moisturisers face powders and other make up goods...because I think once a particular brand suits your skin type, it's better not to change. But as far as other things are concerned, I simply go by the quality, reviews and comfort level.. As far as dresses are concerned, I love mix and match, rather than sticking to a certain brand.
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@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
14 Mar 09
Not really, I'm the type of person who likes trying different products. And most of the time, I base my shopping on its price.
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@lusirafa (944)
14 Mar 09
Way to go for save your money Donsky :0
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Mar 09
My husband and I have specific food products that we like better than others so we tend to stick to those but, otherwise, I'll buy another brand if it's less expensive. The cats and dogs prefer certain brands of food so I have to buy those or I'm just wasting my money. I do agree with you about clothes. I'm not a lable person either. If it looks nice, is of decent quality and is comfortable, I'll but it and wear it regardless of the brand.
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@lusirafa (944)
14 Mar 09
Yeah, in this recession era, I think it's a waste to stick at a certain exclusive brand for fashion and clothes. We better use the money to buy something else than spend it on an expensive brand.
• United States
15 Mar 09
I am not too particular brand names on certain things, but when it comes to food itmes I have to have certain brands of somethings. One thing that comes to mind is mayonaise...we only use Duke's brand because we like the flavor of it better than any other. I only buy one brand of toilet paper too because it is my own personal preference.
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@roxa19 (115)
• Romania
14 Mar 09
me too, i never stick to one certain brand. new brands on the market are usually better than the old ones,so i try new brands. in electronic products, i try to buy good brands, because i bought no name brands and they broke very quickly. so, there were money bad spent.
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Yes, Hershey's, Campbell's and Hostess! To me no other soups taste as good as Campbell's and Hershey's chocolate syrup is the best and the only cupcake for me is Hostess, NO Little Debbie's for me! Everything else is just fine in generic or store brands. As far as clothing goes, if it fits and is low in price, I'll take it no matter what brand it is!
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
14 Mar 09
Oh yes before am a loyal customer and stick to specific brand like the noodles or pasta, I prefer royale or same with other products we prefer the one with the best quality bu maybe this time no longer for the quality but the cheaper one although sometimes we save more to the one with good quality though quite expensive.
• United States
14 Mar 09
Ummmm.....depends on exactly what it the product is. If it's something you've used for a long time and love it...then if it goes up a little be it. Of course, I will try the other product...but it better be up to par! Clothes...sales! Electronics? I tend to go for name brands. I've had tons of bad luck with off brands. Food? Never buy inferior food! It's not healthy or safe! Like I depends on exactly what the product is. Know what I mean?
• United States
14 Mar 09
I really only have 5 things I am brand specific about. my dish soap is Dawn Green my laundry soap is Arm & Hammer powder My cat food is Purina indoor and My dog food is Purina senior My toilet paper is Scott 1000 count rolls the rest of the products in my life don't have to have any specific brand I am a true cheapskate so most of my clothing and electronics are used , even my cell phone was a cast I do not buy used underwear...
@godara (59)
• India
14 Mar 09
I am not really particular with the brand but I am very particular with the materials of the product. I am making sure that it is durable and reliable however, not all branded things are of high quality so we must not look at the brand alone but also of the quality.
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• India
14 Mar 09
Actually i am quite opposite. i always do this research work before buying anything. i observe people and go for the most uncommon stuff. Brand doesn't matter. Whether it be clothes or electronic or as simple thing as buying a pen. I always like my thing s to be my individuals. Obviously this attitude of mine gives me a lot of trouble. Like i bougt this expensive mobile phone which has good features but i could have got a mobile with better features with the same price but the problem was that phone was way too common. Same is with the fashion and clothing. The other day i found this shirt which looked really good on me. But then i discovered that they have got a whole bunch of them....suddenly i hated it...
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@lingzi (567)
• China
14 Mar 09
hi, lusirafa, my answer is yes.haha,i would go to that shop every time almost. no matter is there some fashon suit me.
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• China
14 Mar 09
i like to try different brands if only the quality is good and look nice. especially on clothes and high heel. i like fashion and different styles. so i dont mind brands. i like name brand items, quality is really good, but also expensive. how about original lv, gucci bags cost there?
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• Canada
14 Mar 09
i do prefer a certain brand of clothin which is roxy but i don't only wear that. i really love their style of clothes
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
14 Mar 09
I would not say that I am loyal to brands. I would try new brands and see if they are any good. Cheers!!
@rymebristol (1808)
• Philippines
14 Mar 09
oh yes, very much...patronize the products that you really like, that's how it works. i am not tempted in buying alternative products to the one that i got used to whether it may be apparel, soaps, snacks, food...consumer electronic products.
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@glords (2614)
• United States
14 Mar 09
When you find something you like it is very tempting to stick with it... I've found myself at the mall looking to buy the exact same jeans I wore out... because they were my favorite! I also look for foods I know that I enjoy, and that I know I can eat without feeling too guilty about the calories and fat grams. I'm always willing to try something new, but I also like to hold on to my old favorites.
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@gracypure (529)
• Philippines
14 Mar 09
For clothing yes, i do like the fitting and the quality of lee pants and upshirts so everytime i plan to buy new clothes i make sure to check first at any lee establishments, but i also do wear any brands or no brand at all as long as it is not immitation. For food, my partner don't buy any brand of cornbeef except furefoods.
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• India
14 Mar 09
well i'm not a brand conscious buyer. i buy products of any brand provided there are some good reports about it. but yes when the matter comes to buy expensive things, i am brand loyal buyer.
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