Do you like your face? Or would you change it?

@delkar (1712)
March 14, 2009 2:49pm CST
If you will be able to change your face, you`ll do it? or you will just stay right how you are? What parts are bodering you so much? I must say , that i wouldn`t change anything, because now i`m happy with all that i have. A few years ago, i wold change my nose, but now, i`m proud of my nose, even it`s not a beautiful one. I`ve found out that you can be loved how you really are. "What means the most it`s the soul" i know that you already think that it`s a lie, but i discovered that`s right. You just must have good friends, and feel so good, be happy all the time, and show your feelings, even if you`ll do that in a joke or something. I was amaised of the results when i decided to be just the one that i am, with all my good parts and all of my bad parts, and now, i have a lot of people that like a lot, mostly girls. , So, the beauty it`s inside!
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27 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Hi, delkar! I like my face just the way it is. Everything seems to be right in place. Nothing is not too big or too small. One time, I did not like my lips, but I found out, that they really are not that bad. I wanted smaller sensuous lips.. But, when I look at them, I find them to be sexy in its own way. I don't have big lips at all. Just a small size with a simple plump to them. I used to get teased about having a big nose in middle school. But I found out that my nose is not big at all. It is small, and I like it on my face. There is nothing wrong with it.. I guess that was just the childish classmates joking again. But, overall, I would not change my face for nothing. But for my body, I would make some slight altercations.
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@delkar (1712)
• Romania
17 Mar 09
when i read your post, it was like i was saying all thouse words. You were just like me. . I accepted my face and my body like it is, and now, i`m feeling that others think that i`m better than i think i am. But that`s a good thing.
@jaymeeliz (505)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
I like my face as it is. I wouldn't change a thing on what God gave me. I agree with you. if you are yourself then your beauty would radiate from the inside.
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@delkar (1712)
• Romania
17 Mar 09
I saw people just like me, that didn`t had any confidence at all. And after they learned what to wear, and how to act to look so good, they were like a new person! The beauty comes from inside, sure with a little help, but without modifying something!
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
There's nothing I would change. I love what God bless me. I am unique and there's nothing I would do to change it.
• India
17 Mar 09
I would love to make my nose in good shape if i could. i m not bothering about my nose but if god gave me one chance to change face then it would be my nose.Yes you are right soul is everything to love someone or yourself. I like my lips and skin too much. i would love to get same body in next birth. Happy MyLotting!
@maezee (41996)
• United States
15 Mar 09
I agree.. Self acceptance in itself is a very beautiful thing, but I definitely would change some parts of my face if I could - but only because it would make my life easier. (For example, I don't know if this counts, but I'd like to not have to wear glasses/contacts! That would save me a lot of money, stress, and time!)
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@delkar (1712)
• Romania
17 Mar 09
well maezee you shouldn`t get rid of thouse glasses. I, as a boy, love you with thouse. If you didn`t had thouse, i don`t think that i would noticed you. You`re so nice with thouse. Please, wear them from now one too.
• China
14 Mar 09
people as people,the most important character:inside beauty.although,I like my nose,my eyes,my hair,my mouse,my neck,I prefer inside to outside.I would never change my face.if you change it, it would never belong to ,big brother,do not mind outside's showing,,loving inside beauty!!
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• India
15 Mar 09
No Body has ever asked me this before . But I will answer you .. I don't want to change my face as this is the identity of mine in this world and I like it . I have got good features in it ...specially my eye and lips . Some times I think to change my body ...he he But most of all .... I believe in inner beauty and always judge a person by that only .... Thanks !!!
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
I kind of like the way I look so even if somebody offers me free cosmetic surgery, I think I will say no. I have nothing against people who want to change the way they look and cosmetic surgery does have its advantages but as I said before, I like the way I look right now so I have no plans of changing anything in my face. Maybe when I get a little bit older, I will want to make some changes... LOL
@mpsingh08 (102)
• India
15 Mar 09
Mostly people trying to change or surgery own face to be an attractive or handsome or beautiful but I think everybody are beautiful or Handsome from the soul or his/her nature so don't need to do.......... I am very happy with my face. I will never change my face.
@xhaimacoy (115)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
haha.. what a silly question.. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. whats really important is how beautiful are you inside.. hahaha.. my mother says im pretty!! :D
@mimibt (52)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
I have come to be content with how I look. I used to care about how I should look but it takes too much time and effort. I realized that being happy the way I am is less stressful.
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
hi there, well although my face isnt perfect im really contented with it.. the things that i would want to get rid though are the blackheads and pimples..but other than that i wouldnt want to change anything in my face....
• China
15 Mar 09
You wouldn't change your face,because it belongs to you .But if it dosen't belong to you,but your a loved friend,what would you do? In factly,if i can change one part of my face ,i want my eyes to be bigger.Haha,everyone wants to be more beauiful.
@venmarz13 (735)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 09
hello dlkar nice to see you i wont change it at all.i really like my physic appearance.i love my parents an got that give me all i need and almost all perfect.just be confident of all that i have.but i really like my lips.i dont know why.i just like it very much.hee
@findcutegj (1466)
• India
15 Mar 09
Ya friend, you are right in a way that the beauty is inside the person. But there is no doubt that upper beauty is also very important and that is the one that helps others to get attracted towards you at the first glance, that is when later, the inner beauty comes into the picture, Having said that, i must admit that i am not that beautiful but average looking person, frankly speaking, if given a chance, i won't change much of my face other than making jawlines a bit slimmer. That would be fine, but otherwise its also fine. Im happy the way my face looks, All the best!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
15 Mar 09
Dear friend, I do like changes and I am upto here as I was ready for many changes in my life. Yes I would like to be looked good I would like to change my face provided it look good and this looking good is acceptance of beauty those who appreciate it. May be I would not like have wrinkles if they come, I would like to change my young face to a boyish face. May be a change for wellness and betterment of myself. There are body builders who go to gyms and do various exercises just to have a good physic and good health. Me too like to have a good physic and good health. Being good is accepted by those good people and also many others.
• India
15 Mar 09
I like my face the most, because my face is unique and is different from anyone's in the world, i am proud that god has given me a nice face and not only that whether its nice or others or not, everything belonging to me is nice for me, whether its good or bad. Its given by god and as you said inner beauty is essential then the outer facial looks according to me even. like and dislike are in our heart, its within us whether we like or dislike anything.
• China
15 Mar 09
Yes, if I have the ability to change it, I will change some parts that I do not feel satisfied. There are some moles on my face. My girlfriend always tell me to remove them. While I do not want to do that since it is no big deal. However, if I have the ability, I will do it. For other parts, such as nose, mouth, I am proud of them. Nothing can make you different but your soul. I really agree with you in this aspect. Cheers.
@arief234 (50)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 09
I Like my face, i don't want to change with another face!
@rhocky99 (30)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
I love my FACE!! what so ever even I don"t have the guts to smile in front of many people specially to the girls. i believe I will found the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes only!!!lol