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Coumadin in its many doasages - Coumadin can be prescribed in many dosages; the color of the cuomadin pill reflects what doseage it is.
United States
March 14, 2009 7:43pm CST
Coumadin is actually rat poison! That is correct; do not adjust your eyeglasses nor your computer monitor - you read that correctly! Coumadin (also known as Warfarin in synthetic form), is actually rat poison. It is used as a blood thinner for patients with heart problems, strokes, blood clots, and to prevent heart attacks. Why would we allow the ones we love to take RAT POISON to feel better?
1 response
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Yes I did know that - my grandmother was on that medication. It does sound strange but it helped her and she lived until she was 91 years old. I used to take her to the hospital so they could monitor her blood and her usage.