ClixSense, Round 2

@thorgrym (675)
United States
March 14, 2009 10:59pm CST
Not long ago, I posted a discussion about ClixSense being legit and paying out. As a result of that discussion, I decided - against my normal predilection - to upgrade to pro status. Well shortly after doing so, I find myself once again on the verge of payout! It took me a long time (in my opinion) to reach payout the first time, but that is due entirely to the fact that I just was not terribly persistent with logging in to ClixSense and checking on the available ads. I would go for months at a time without logging in. After upgrading ($10.00), I have been a lot more diligent. Now, I log in at least two or three times daily and click the available ads. In the two months that I have been upgraded, I went from a zero balance (after payout) to a little over $7.00! If you are not yet a member of ClixSense, you can join via the banner on my profile. I highly recommend it!
2 responses
@leedm158 (97)
• Singapore
15 Mar 09
I'm a standard member at Clixsense and earn barely a few cents each day. I have contemplated upgrading but just can't bring myself to do it. After listening to your story, I have decided to take the plunge. I hope to have made the right choice. I will keep all updated on my progress at Clixsense.
• Singapore
15 Mar 09
I sure will! Once again, thanks for telling me about how great upgrading at Clix Sense is!
• India
15 Mar 09
I am the member of clixsense past one year but I have no guts to upgrade it. But after reading your post I thing I should upgrade it. After upgrading how many do I get daily.