Take My Wife, for Instance. No, PLEASE - take my wife!

United States
March 15, 2009 9:52pm CST
A Scotsman decided to put an ad in the paper selling his wife. He described her as nagging, but surprisingly, men phoned wanting to know if she was still available. Apparently, the wife had been watching a television show, "Dancing On Ice," and asked the husband to do something for her. He refused, and instead, placed the ad. Luckily, the wife sees the humor in it all, but never fear - the husband did receive an earful from his wife, and she is currently plotting revenge. Here is the original article: http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/topstories/Builder-put-39naggin39-wife-up.5069395.jp
2 responses
• India
16 Mar 09
Lol! that was something!! Well its funny to read, but if something like that really happens to me, i don't think i will take it in a funny manner. i never could, i mean it would hurt me, offend me, and sort of insult me. And well even if i did forgive him for that, revenge is definitely the best option later on....
• United States
16 Mar 09
I know, I would feel hurt, betrayed, and insulted. i would seriously get him back, though!
@ncmom0f3 (60)
• United States
16 Mar 09
lol that is really quite funny, it wouldn't be so funny if my fiance did it to me but it's still pretty funny. I'd love to know what her payback is going to be but it's going to have to be pretty good to beat that!
• United States
16 Mar 09
Ha-ha! I know! I want to know what she has up her sleeve. lol I guess we will have to wait for that article to be printed.