what is the most precious thing you purchased ever?

March 23, 2009 4:17am CST
Hello friends, most of us love to shopping and we purchase a lot of things but there must be something precious thing you have bought ever. for me its my bike which i bought around 8 months back. what about you guys... share your views.
3 responses
23 Mar 09
Hmm somthing I purchased? I normally buy clothes which isn't really precious is it hehe. The latest thing I got though was a wireless router in my home which is great so now i can be upstairs in my room without the nagging of my dad! hehe. Other things that are precious to me but wasnt bought by my is my PHONE and LAPTOP =] I got a bike years ago and im only starting to use it again hehe. Good exercise aint it.
• India
23 Mar 09
hii you it is a good exercise..
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
26 Mar 09
My costume doll collection from around the world is one of my most treasured things that I have ever purchased. They all come from different countries and so they were each bought at a different time. It is a unique collection that means a great deal to me. My photo albums that I bought to put my travel photos in are precious to me. My number one precious thing that I own is my laptop.
@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
I think the most precious things I have purchased are my office outfits.