All I need is you

March 23, 2009 12:06pm CST
All I Need Is You- Johanna Lindsay Do you ever read this book? A girl who leave her home to prove her abilities to her father. She is intelligent and clever as a cowboy but she also fall in love. She finally achieve her purpose but she seem nearly lost her love. I like her characteristic. It's quite special.
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3 responses
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I never heard of it but it sounds like it could be a good book. I think it has an intersting premise and one that I am alittle bit familiar with. I guess that it is just something that I am going to enjoy reading, and would like to deal with and pur on muy list of possiblitites. This does sound like an interesting book.
1 person likes this
• Vietnam
24 Mar 09
Yeah, let's try it
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I've never read any of Johanna Lyndsay's books, but I've heard she's great! I have a cousin who reads her books. I prefer more chick - lit books than pure romance. lol
• Vietnam
24 Mar 09
lol, it's not really that pure
@vickycity (154)
• China
24 Mar 09
like a very good book. I will read it. thank for your advice.