Spelling mistakes

March 26, 2009 7:49am CST
Hi all does it bother you when you click on a discussion and there are alot of spelling mistakes? I just clicked on a discussion and there were so many spelling mistakes that I could not even understand what the person was trying to say. Dont you just hate that?
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6 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Hi, mamalovestoread! Well, I would be glad to read a discussion that I can understand. If I am eager to know what they are saying, I will try to take my time and make out all of the words. And if, I can't seem to make the words out, I will not read it at all. Sometimes with a lot of spelling mistakes I am able to make it out. But, if the discussion is very long with many spelling mistakes then I will not bother reading it. It gets just too complicated then..
• United States
26 Mar 09
Spelling mistakes don't bother me on mylot at all. I know I make enough of them on my own. I also know that people on mylot are writing from all over the world. For many people on here English is not their first language . I'm trying to learn Spanish and I can imagine how difficult it is for others to write in another language .
• China
26 Mar 09
Well, it is ok to me. The language is just a tool for us to communicate with each other. So no need to be perfect in spelling. But if there are too many spelling problems that make us can not understand the meaning, I do think the author should improve his spelling. Actually my work put much importance on the right spelling. So I watch this very carefully in my work. But when I get off work, I may just want to live in a casual way. So I may not put much attention to the spelling. When I see some people's wrong spelling, the first thing I want to do is trying to guess the meaning. :)
• Canada
26 Mar 09
Thank you for your comments. I admit that I also do make some spelling mistakes as we cant be perfect in every word that we are spelling. The problem I find is that people that speak another language will use an online translator and then paste the translation to english in here. The problem with that is the online translators do not translate the sentances as a whole but each individual word. So when you copy and paist your responces from translators its all mixed up!
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Lots of wrong spellings was just sore to the eyes, not just wrong spellings but shortened words as if they are using an sms system, like u for you, 8 for eight or eat, it is so unethical already I mean people should be able to know when to use these appropriately. And besides, mylot offers spell check right after when you type your discussion. If there are mistake or two unnoticed just because you are in hurry then it could be considered since we do all make that fall. But too often is just too bad.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
A lot of times, I do have some mistakes whenever I type, coz I often press the Enter key before I could realize that my spellings, and sometimes my grammar are wrong. So when I see discussions with lots of misspelled words, I just ignore it, I just focus on what the person is trying to say.
• United States
26 Mar 09
Considering that we all come from a varied walks of life and a lot of different countries this is something I expect to see and have gotten used to. I see each individuals messages as a unique part of them whether there are spelling errors or no spelling errors.
• United States
26 Mar 09
When ima t home and using mylot my mozilla firefox browser must have a spell check in it so when im typing i see what mistakes i have made and i can go back anf fix them when im done typing my response. I have noticed that people from different contries don't know how to use correct english and they dont write there discussions very clearly and sometimes i also cant respond as i have no idea what they are trying to say.