Should Helmets Be Compulsory For Motorcycle Rdiers?

United States
March 26, 2009 1:56pm CST
Wearing helmets is not compulsory in my state, a recent bill to introduce this law was blocked. What are the laws in your state, and do you think it should be compulsory for everyone who rides a moorcycle to wear a helmet?
2 responses
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
26 Mar 09
Wearing helmets should not be made compulsory from the government's side but the riders should have enough brains to be wearing them themselves. Why do they have to be forced into doing something that is for their own good? I know some riders, specially the teenagers, don't like to wear helmets because they don't consider it "cool" but I tell you, it is better than getting your head smashed into the roads some day. I stay in New Delhi and even here the riders have the same mentality, hence the government has enforced the law of wearing helmets.
• United States
27 Mar 09
Hi jshekhar, I agree completely. Nobody should need to be convinced that a helmet is less problematic than a lfe threatening head injury. I know I wouldn't need to be told twice. This subject is dear to my heart; I have lost 3 family members in two years as a result of head injuries from motorcycle accidents. People need to forget their egos for a moment and consider the consequences their oved ones will be coping with if they are lost.
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Laws will depend on culture and environment. I think if you live in a safe place, helmets can be made optional. When I say safe, I mean that - riders can only run the motorcycle in a very slow pace wherein it minimizes accidents. Also, if the environment is too warm wherein helmets can become an obstruction due to lack of focus of the drivers due to heat it produces. The main goal is universal - public safety. I am just hoping that helmets or protective gears are not being encouraged primarily because their goal is to increase insurance sales or something similar. Good day! Nice discussion!
• United States
26 Mar 09
..and I made a typo in the title, arghh. I am also considering those medical professionals who spend their valuable time putting people back together (or not ) every day they go to work. It must be the extremely frustrating to have to deal with injuries which could have been prevented.