ask me random questions

@goat6boy (314)
United States
March 31, 2009 8:34pm CST
go ahead ask me anything even if i dont know the answer ill act like i do lol so go ahead ask me anything
2 responses
• United States
1 Apr 09
hi goat6boy...(funny name)...why is it that for 2 days in a row when i pick a checkout line at walmart something went wrong to hold up the line. while the other lines kept moving?
@goat6boy (314)
• United States
1 Apr 09
just your luck i guess maybe the people infront of you are paying with pennys?
• United States
1 Apr 09
hehe. yeah no kidding. okay why do blue & yellow make green?
@goat6boy (314)
• United States
1 Apr 09
because green is my favorite color
@zahfran (851)
• Singapore
3 Apr 09
Hello goat6boy, I have a question: You said I could ask you anything.. So... what do you think I should ask you??? That's my question.. lol.. I have a more "serious" question: How many ACTIVE people are on myLot?
@goat6boy (314)
• United States
3 Apr 09
what you should be asking is how many active people are on mylot so do u mean at one time?or do you mean alltoegther how many people are signed up on mylot? alltogether its 166,717
@zahfran (851)
• Singapore
4 Apr 09
Hahaha.. that's a good one.. Have you managed to figure out what canette and I was thinking about.. That would be my second question.. hehe..
@zahfran (851)
• Singapore
7 Apr 09
Hahaha.. Yeah.. Seems like it's looking that way.. hehe..