Wow...even after a yr it's still the same stuff.

United States
April 2, 2009 6:04pm CST
I've been logged off here for almost a yr, come back to see nothing has changed. In a way I find that a bit sad. I mean folks are still complaining about the SAME stuff they were before. Maybe it's not as junior highish as before..(mind you I've only seen the first page or so of new discussion) but seems like the same stuff is still going on. Wonder if I take another yr long break and come back will it change.
5 responses
• Philippines
3 Apr 09
its really a sad fact that mylot seems to be same as it used to be even before. but i think that we should just look at the brighter side that atleast the fact that mylot is still here. and it stood still for us. and hopes that this will last longer for it really benefits me, or maybe all of us too. anyway, ahppy mylotting!
1 person likes this
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
2 Apr 09
MyLot is a slice of life. People complain offline and online is no different Welcome back or, if you decide to stay MIA, have fun!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Apr 09
Just log in, make friends, and make money. When you make friends on here, you will get to talk about more meaningful things. I get tired of making topics, only to have them ignored, and see that the stupid topics are getting all the replies.
@Archie0 (5651)
3 Apr 09
Hmmm, i think before for a long holiday away from mylot i think you should try to see atleast what all is actually going, ofcourse there are smae things but i think there are more than that also.Things are much better than that actually..its not that bad as you think, people come here with their problems which are almost same but have different phases in it.. its the cycle in itself though.
@zedlav23 (458)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
Don't wonder. Because even if you come back after a decade, people will still talk about the same stuff, ask the same questions, because life is just a cycle that and a history that keeps on repeating itself. And honestly, i guess I have already read a similar post like this. That's why I'm also not wondering why you are also asking this same question. :) lol