How much can you drink?

United States
April 7, 2009 8:36pm CST
Sometimes, my friend and I going out, I tried not get both of us drunk. I take only about 2 - 3 bottles of beer only, no more than that. If my friend insist on shots, I can only take 2 shots and one beer. My friend probably go on to extreme, until he got really drunk. How much can you drink before you get drunk?
2 responses
• New Zealand
8 Apr 09
Hi there, Well I have not been drunk in ages,so it would take me not much to drink to get drunk,if I went out again. But if you are there to have fun enjoy getting drunk.Are you worried about your friend getting too drunk???.And as I would be too if my partner got way outta control on getting drunk also.
• China
8 Apr 09
i think it depends on the mood, if i feel good, i can drink 5-6 bottles, but if i feel bad, i just can take 2-3 bottle. hapyy mylotting.